Lydia Martin @ 3:00 pm, Wednesday

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Lydia Martin: 'Goin 'shoppin with Ali-cat! (Posted at 3:00 pm)

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        Allison Argent: Um, when were you planning to inform me of this? For all you know, I could be busy. I'm with Scott right now. :p (3:02 pm)

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Lydia Martin: I just did, like, 2 mins ago. You see where is says, "Lydia Martin: 'Goin 'shoppin with Ali-cat! (Posted at 3:00 pm)"? There ya go. And no your not liar. I came up with an elaborate scheme that made sure Scott was busy and out of the way of messing up my plans to spend girl time with you. (3:03 pm)

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        Allison Argent: What did you do with my Scottie?! (3:04 pm)

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Lydia Martin: Two words. Derek, Hale. (3:04 pm)

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        Allison Argent: Derek! How could you! What did you do?! (3:05 pm)

        Derek Hale: She threatened me. T_T And it's not like I killed him or anything like that. I'm just making him run some errands for me. (3:09 pm)

        Allison Argent: 1st, lol XD. How did Lydia, threaten YOU,  of all people?! 2nd, are these "errands" going to spiral out of control, forcing me to involve my dad? (3:09 pm)

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        Derek Hale: T///_///T I'd rather not say... and no, they are just normal, laboring around my house errands. (3:10 pm)   

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        Allison Argent: OMG LOL DON'T TELL ME! XD. She used the "B-Scream" card on you, didn't she? (3:10 pm)

        Derek Hale: .......Yes.. -_- (3:12 pm)

        Allison Argent:  LOL I KNEW IT! Hahaha, nice one Lydia. You are truly a cunning and devious being. (3:12 pm)

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Lydia Martin: Why thank you Ali-cat. Now, hurry up and get dressed, then hightail your butt outside. I'm parked in front of your apartment building waiting for you. (3:13 pm)

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        Allison Argent: 0_0.. but, how are you parked in front of my apartment? There isn't a parking lot in front of it. Only the trees and the metal gate are in front of my apartment. (3:14 pm)

Lydia Martin: I may or may have not crashed throught the gate and brought down a few trees as well. That's why you need to hurry up and get out here! (3:14 pm)

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        Allison Argent: O_O...ok, be out in a sec. (3:14 pm)

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