Derek Hale @ 12:00 am, Monday

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Derek Hale: Okay. Today, is a time for me tbh. I'm a dumb-ass Sourwolf who's grumpy all the time. I give you plenty of warnings saying not to mess with me or I will rip your throat out..with my teeth. But those are hollow threats. (Posted at 12:00 am)

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        Lydia Martin: Uh, Derek? Are you okay? (12:01 am)

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        Scott McCall: Well then, who cummed in your cheerios this morning? (12:02 am)

        Allison Argent: Yeah..uh, your not drinking are you Derek? (12:03 am)

Derek Hale:What the hell.. I didn't post that.. (12:03 am)

        Lydia Martin: Ah, okay. I see what's happened here. Hold on Derek. I'll sort this out for you. STILES STILINSKI, GET YOUR ASS ONLINE NOW! (12:04 am)

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        Stiles Stilinski: Yas? Whuz is its? (12:05 am)

Derek Hale: Stiles, did you hack my facebook?! (12:05 am)

        Stiles Stilinski: What? Moi? Why do you think it's me? Why am I always a victim in these things?! (12:08 am)

        Lydia Martin: Do not play coy Stilinski. You, Scott, and Isaac are the only ones that calls Derek Sourwolf. You, more than the number of times the two of them have said it put together. It couldn't have been Scott, because he's to busy making goggling eyes at Allison in the backseat of my car. (Don't ask) It couldn't have been Issac, cause tbh, Isaac sucks balls when it comes to technology. I'm not sure if you even possess the skills needed to hack a facebook. So I'm guessing that you bribed Danny with something for him to do your the dirty work for you. Now am I right, or am I right Danny?(12:09 am)

        Danny Mahealani: Guilty... :L (12:09 am)

        Lydia Martin: Uh huh, that's what I thought. There ya go Derek. You have your culprit. Your welcome. (12:10 am)

Derek Hale: Thxs Lydia. Stiles, get ready. I'm coming to kick your sorry ass. (12:11 am)

        Stiles Stilinski: NUUU!!! I NEED MY ASS!!! For things like sitting and such! (12:13 am) 

        Allison Argent: Wow, way to go Lydia. You solved that problem like it was a piece of cake. You should be a detective instead of forensic scientist you know? You could even become famous! The next Sherlock Holmes! XD (12:14 am)

        Lydia Martin: Thanks Ali. It was a piece of cake. And that piece of cake was DELICIOUS. Hm, maybe your right. Plus, I think I'd make more money out of it... (12:15 am)

        Isaac Lahey: Or the next L... (12:16)

        Stiles Stilinski: OMG, DEATH NOTE REFERENCE!! (12:16)

        Stiles Stilinski: Oh crap... bout to die... People, I love you all! I LEAVE ALL MY STUFF TO CHAIRTY!! He's here!! AHHHH!!! DEREK HALE IS MY MURDERE BTW!!!! AGHGHHHH (12:19)












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