Isaac Lahey @ 2:25 pm, Thursday

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Isaac Lahey: Pumped for today's Lacrosse practice! I'm so gonna kick your azz Scott! (Posted at 2:25 pm)

        Scott McCall: We'll see bish! No one has beaten me yet! (2:25 pm)

        Lydia Martin: Wait...0_0 ..there's a practice game today?! (2:27 pm)

Isaac Lahey: Duh. Where have you been? (2:28 pm)

        Allison Argent: Lydia, are you still trying to find Stiles? (2:29 pm)

        Scott McCall: Wait, she's STILL looking for him??? (2:29 pm)

        Lydia Martin: I didn't know! I'm now just hearing about this! And yes, I'm still looking for the bastard. (2:30 pm)

Isaac Lahey: Really? I just saw him crouching near the vending machine, eyeing everyone who walked by. Then after Ethan walked up to talk to him, he ran away while still crouched. (2:31 pm)

        Scott McCall: Really??? How is he moving from place to place like that??? (2:32 pm)

        Allison Argent: When it comes to saving his life, he's suddenly possess all the skills in the world, but when it's something for school, all those skills vanish. T_T (2:33 pm)

        Danny Mahealani: Um..I just saw him duck into the science room... (2:34 pm)

Isaac Lahey: No, he's hiding under a deserted lunch table right now. (2:35 pm)


        Scott McCall: o_o (2:37 pm)

        Derek Hale: He's at my house, hiding in my room with the door locked behind him. T_T. I'm about three seconds from breaking his neck. (2:58 pm)

        Stiles Stilinski: WTF DEREK?? I THOUGHT YOU WERE SUPPOSE TO BE ON MY SIDE!!? (3:02 pm)

        Derek Hale: After you and Scott wrote on my car with dry erase marker saying, "I'm a Stilinski-bitch"?! I don't think so! (3:03 pm)

        Scott McCall: Stiles, just get it over with already. Save everyone the stress. And Derek, I told you, I was blackmailed! (3:05 pm)

        Allison Argent: Come on Stiles. Just give it up. It's only gonna get worse with each passing minute. (3:06 pm)

        Stiles Stilinski: F*** ALL OF YALL. TRADERS!! (3:08 pm)

Isaac Lahey: I can't believe this is happening. For, two, days. T_T (3:09 pm)

        Lydia Martin: STOP RUNNING STILINSKI!! (3:09 pm)

        Stiles Stilinski: NEVER!! RUNNING IS WHAT I DO! I'M A RUNNER! SHUCK IT LYDIA! (3:11 pm)

Isaac Lahey: Stiles. No Maze Runner references. That makes you look like an idiot. You are not Thomas. T_T (3:12 pm)

        Stiles Stilinski: YOU DON'T KNOW THAT! IN ANOTHER LIFE I MIGHT BE. (3:14 pm)

Isaac Lahey: Okay, then if your Thomas, I'm Minho. That means I get to kick your ass, and still live. (3:15 pm)

        Stiles Stilinski: ...That doesn't happen in the book... (3:17 pm)

Isaac Lahey: I know. I'm just doing it for shits and giggles. (3:19 pm)

        Derek Hale: He just jumped out the did he even...? (3:19 pm)

        Lydia Martin: I WILL FIND YOU, YOU BONER GARAGE!! (3:20 pm)

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