Author's Poll/Note (Rare, Important!)

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        Hey guys! SO! I have quite a bit to ask/talk to you guys about today! So! First things first, (I'm a realist. XD) I have a poll/question you guys. Should I continue to update this Teen Wolf stuff, or update my Sterek story, "Eye of the Soul" ? OR..., or, or, or, should I update my other stories which none of you have read except one person ( @ KittieB13 )? Please let me know what you think in the comments below. Ok now, another question. And BE HONEST. 100% BRUTALLY HONEST. Do you think I should quit Wattpad? Because my stories suck and I'm just torturing you all because I write badly and probably take a bit to update? Let me know in the comments! ^_^ 

        Now, one last question. Should I continue this book? Do you guys like where this is going so far? I NEED TO KNOW PEEPS!! ^_^ Ok and lastly, school is back up updates might be...a lil slower than usual. Well...the stories that require a lot of effort and are grouped into chapters. So please don't hate me if I'm taking a while. (I might forget, so don't hesitate to remind me in comments, profile wall, or pm me a reminder to update. I might already have it done and I might have just forgot to post it.) Also, another note, guys, please. COMMENT WHAT YOU THINK! I don't know if I should continue or what to write if you guys to talk to me about it! Your comments mean SO much to me, and trust me. I literally sit and read all your comments and reply to them on everything you guys ever commented on.(Is that weird? No that's not weird..wait..OmO Is it???) I'm serious. Go check if you want. Anyways, so yeah! Help a bro out! I need answers peeps! Please and thank you!! And with that, your Sterek king rushes off to do World History homework I don't want to do, with Wattpad breaks/distractions!!

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