Chapter 20: Christmas Eve Shopping and Orgasms

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"Riles" I whine attempting to get my niece out of the baby section. "Are you sure you don't want these?" She asks holding another 5 onesies. I chuckle and shake my head, "I think these 5 will do just fine" I assure her as I lift the 5 onesies we had picked out.

School was out for about a week but I've been pretty much locked inside my room trying to get all my homework done so I could enjoy the holidays without thinking about it. Although it interfered with my Christmas shopping which leads me to today, buying all my Christmas present on Christmas Eve.

I've already bought, Cory, Topanga, Auggie, my parents and even Maya's parents a present. Now all I needed was Maya and Riley's, I had already pre-ordered Maya and Riley's and now all I needed to do was pick them up.

Of course Riley wanted to come along because she wanted to get Maya some extra stuff, because that's just who Riley is. We decided to get her a few baby things because admittedly it's adorable.

"But-" she attempts but I shake my head "Why don't you go pick out a teddy?" I suggest making her eyes widen as she quickly puts the onesies back and rushes to the stuffed animal section.

"I want something that represents our friendship" she explains as she scours through all the animals. "Make sure it's gender neutral" I remind her as she gives me a quick nod.

It kinda sucked that we didn't know the gender, it would've made shopping a lot easier but unfortunately we still have about 12 weeks until we can find out.

"How about this one?" She asks holding up a small grey blanket with the head of a bunny, she holds it open and my eyes quickly find the words Peaches sewed on the side making a smile pull at my lips.

"It's perfect" I admit.


"Everleigh will love that" Topanga assures me as I wrap my little sister her present. I had bought her a small little silver locket with her name engraved on it and added a picture of our family on one side and a picture of the both of us on the other.

"She always stole mine, so I hope she'll be happy to have her own locket" I smile adding a bow on the small box.

"We're home!" Riley shouts as she throws the door open. I smile and turn around my eyes widening at the amount of bags of presents they had. "Jesus did you go rob Santa?" I ask making them chuckle.

"No we might of went overboard" Josh admits putting the bags down before walking over to me, he leans down for a soft kiss before he pulls away to look at what I'm doing.

"Who's that for?" He asks motioning to the small wrapped box in front of me. "Everleigh" I reply making him nod. "Want me to put it under the tree?" He asks but I shake my head, "I'll put it". He nods and leans down for another soft kiss causing me to smile when he pulls away. He walks back to the bags of presents and starts putting them under the tree and I turn around and quickly write Everleigh's name on the present and add my name before walking over to the tree.

I watch as Josh and Riley place their gifts and my eyebrows furrow as I see my name on almost all of the presents. "Why the hell is my name on of all these?" I ask pointing to the gifts, they both look at each other with a smile before Josh looks at me. "Sorry, Riley got me excited and I couldn't help myself" he admits "I just, I" he stutters making me giggle.

"It's okay Josh" I assure him "But now I feel bad for the gift I got you" I admit with a small pout. He shakes his head and takes my hand, "You got me the best gift I could've ever asked for" he assure me placing his hand on my stomach. My face soften and I already feel the tears forming in my eyes.

"Gosh why are you guys so cute?" Riley asks frustrated as she quickly whips a tear. I chuckle and shake my head in amusement letting Josh pull me in for a hug.


Buzz Buzz

"I got it" Riley says pulling her blanket back before she gets up from the couch and walks over to the  buzzer (idk what the machine is called so bare with me, or leave a comment is you do know what it's called). "Who is it?" She asks as I continue to absentmindely play with Josh's fingers.

The whole Matthew's family were in the living room watching some good old Christmas movies. Usually on Christmas Eve I stay home and spend some time with my family, but after a lot of begging my dad finally let me stay here for dinner, than I had to go home.

"Darling It's me Amy" My eyes widen and I suddenly sits up turning to face Josh. "Your parents are here?" I ask confused, "I thought they were only coming tomorrow" I admit but all he does is shrug.

Seconds later the door is thrown open and Amy and Alan are walking in with bags of presents. "Grandma" Riley smiles walking to Amy and pulling her in for a hug.

"Grandpa" Auggie shouts running up to Alan. I get up from the couch and Amy's smile widens when her eyes land on me. "Maya" she opens her arms and I let out a soft giggle before wrapping my arms around her.

"How are you dear?" She asks curiously as we pull away. "A lot better" I admit "I think my morning sickness is slowly going away" I add making her smile. "It's nice to see you Maya" I look up and find a smiling Alan. "You too Alan".

The rest of the Matthew's greet each other and soon we're all in the living room again, except this time we're all focused on Amy and Alan instead of the movie. "You comfy?" Josh asks as I settle on his lap.

"Yeah" I breathe out before he kisses my temple. "Tell me if you get uncomfortable" I nod and kiss his cheek before listening to Amy talk.

I listen as she tells a story about how Alan though she was another lady at the grocery store and followed her for about an hour, but I get distracted by Josh's fingers. At first he was playing with my hair than his hand moved lower to my hands were he was playing with my fingers and now he's softly caressing my thigh but he keeps going higher with each stroke. Luckily my body was turned against his body so nobody can't see anything.

His hands slides higher causing my breath to hitch, I bite my lip and turn around to find him with a smirk. "Stop" I whisper but he shakes his head. "I wanna make you feel good" he murmurs before kissing my neck. "Josh this isn't the time or place to do it" I softly argue.

"Let me take you to my room for a bit" he shrugs, "Come on baby" he smirks slidding his hand back between my thighs. I bite my lip to stifle a moan and groan. "Fine" I agree in defeat.

"We'll be right back, I want to show Maya something" Josh says catching everyone's attention, before we rush up to his bedroom.

"You are so annoying" I lie watching him close his door. "How is making my girlfriend orgasm annoying?" He ask with a soft laugh. "When her boyfriend's parents are here" I argue as he takes my hand and leads me to his bed. "Oh come on" he roll his eyes playfully before crashing his lips on my own.

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