Chapter 27: Move in

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I knock on the door to Josh's new apartment and wait for him to open the door. I was struggling with my homework so I thought I'd pay him a visit and hope he'd be able to explain to me how to do my math homework, not to mention I also wanted to get out of my house, my mom has been driving me crazy with all her new rules and I just couldn't handle it anymore.

The door opens, except Amy's the one who's standing on the other side, "Hi darling" she smiles moving out of the way to let me in, "Hello Mrs. Matthews" I say shooting her a soft smile, "What brings you here sweetheart?" She asks curiously walking towards the kitchen where it seemed like she was making Lunch. "Not that I mind, you're always welcome here" she adds.

"I need some help with my homework, I thought Josh wouldn't mind helping me" I explain taking a seat on the bar stool as I watch her make what seems to be quesadillas. "Oh but dear he left a few minutes ago" she admits making me furrow my brows "Did he know you were coming?" She asks but I shake my head.

"Where did he go?" I ask curiously "He had to hand in a project for school, it shouldn't take him long" I nod and sigh. "I think I'll just head home then" I admit getting up from the stool, "Are you sure dear?" She asks turning to face me, "I wouldn't mind if you stayed" she admits "You could have lunch here, I'm making quesadillas" she smiles.

"I really wouldn't want to bother you-" I start but she shakes her head and waves me off. "Nonsense" she waves me off, "Take a seat" I smile and walk back towards the stool I was sitting on.

"Talk to me Maya, how are you?" She asks curiously turning her gaze towards the pan where her quesadilla was grilling. "I'm seventeen and in a few months I'll be a mother, not to mention that my own mother hates me" I let out making her shoot me a sad smile, "I mean I never expected this whole situation that Josh and I are in to be easy but I just wished my mom wouldn't be so stubborn and finally accept what's going on. Every body has except her!" I exclaim frustratedly.

"It must be really hard at home then" I nod biting my lip, "I can't eat dinner properly without being constantly judged by her or her adding a new rule to my life" I groan "She thinks only letting me see Josh once a month is a good idea" I admit making her eyes widen. "She can't be serious" I nod vigoursly "Oh but she is" I assure her, watching her cut the quesadilla into 4 pieces before placing it on a plate and handing it to me. "Thanks" I murmur picking one up and taking a bite, loving how amazing it tastes, my mouth is in heaven.

"What about when the baby comes?" She asks retrieving a cup from the cupboard "Isn't Josh going to be allowed to see his own son or daughter?" She questions confused as she pour orange juice into the cup. "Even if she didn't I wouldn't let her, Josh has every right" I argue shooting her a quick smile as she hands me the cup. At this point Amy was more of a mother towards me than my mom has been in months.

"Sweetheart has the thought of moving here ever crossed your mind?" She asks curiously leaning against the counter as she looks at me. I shrug, "I mean it crossed my mind once but I never put much thought into it. My mother would kill me if I tried to ask her such a thing" I admit "She already went crazy when you announced the news about the apartment" I add making her nod.

"I get that Maya but think about it, if you move here when the baby comes, you'll be with Josh everyday, he could help you with the baby and school work. It'd be great for the baby to have both parents together, not to mention that I'll also be here to help you whenever you go to school, I'd love to take care of my grandchild if it's parents need a little hand" she explains sweetly making me smile. "You are way too nice Mrs. Matthews" I admit with a wide smile, "It does sound amazing and if I'm honest I'd love to move here but it's going to take a while for my mom and dad to get used to that idea and I'll have to talk with Josh" she nods in understanding.

"I understand completely" she smiles "Anyways when do we get to find out the gender?" She asks curiously with a wide smile making me chuckle. "End of March".


"How would you feel if I moved here?" I randomly ask lifting my head to look at Josh. After talking to Amy and having lunch with her, Josh came back and helped me with my homework, now it's two hours later and we're both cuddle on the comfortable couch in the living room peacefully watching a movie as both of his parents went shopping, giving Josh and I some time alone.

"What?" He asks confused "Are you moving here?" He asks hopefully sitting up to look at me better. I shake my head and his smile falls, "I want to" I admit making him smile again, "Would you want me to?" I ask making him nod vigoursly "It'd be perfect if you did, Pumpkin would have his own room right across from us, you and I would have our bedroom which means it'd get to be with the both of you every single day" he smiles imagining how it would be, "We'd spend every night together, cuddle under a blanket and I'd kiss the both of you every single second so you both know how much I love you" he adds making me giggle. "We'd have breakfast and dinner like a family, and I'd get to see how much of an amazing mother you'd be" he whispers leaning down to kiss my forehead as my heart flutters.

"I'll do everything I can to move here once pumpkin comes" I promise looking into his sparkling blue eyes, "I want everything you said to come true" I whisper as he looks down at me lovingly. "I want to see you be an amazing father" I add before he leans down and presses his lips against mine in a deep passionate kiss that takes my breath away.


I sadly had to go back home after having dinner with Josh and his parents since today is Sunday and we have school tomorrow. I'm already all snuggled in my bed with my beside lamp on as I peacefully draw in my sketchbook, when there's a soft knock on my bedroom door. "Yes?" I call looking up from my drawing, the door opens and my dad walks in. He closes the door behind himself and takes a seat on the edge of my bed.

"Hey kiddo" he smiles. "Hey" I whisper shifting my gaze back down to my drawing. "What you drawing?" He asks curiously trying to catch a glimpse of what I was doing. I lower my sketchbook allowing him to look at my drawing, I watch as his eyes scan over each line carefully. I bite my lip and move to sit next to him, "It's very powerful" he whisper as I look back down at my drawing. In the middle I had a mother and a father holding their precious baby, love being the only emotions displayed by the three of them whilst the background displayed another emotion. Around the perfect family in the middle, I drew random people around each showing a different negative emotion, fear, anger, hatred.

My drawing showed exactly how I felt, no matter what Josh and our little pumpkin will be the only thing that will matter to me. Nothing and no one can get in the way of my love for the both of them.

"I'm sorry for your mom" he whispers making my eyes snap towards him, "She just hates that you found yourself in the same situation she did" he admits but I shake my head "My situation is nothing like hers" I argue "Dad you know Josh, you've seen him grow up, you know he wouldn't leave me, you know he'll be there for me!" I exclaim causing him to rub his face with his hands. "I know" he mutters "You're not the only one who's arguing with her, I'm trying Maya but you know how stubborn she is" I sigh and nod looking back down at my fingers.

"I want to move in with Josh" I admit keeping my gaze on my fingers, "I want our baby to have both of his parents, I don't want to let mom separate the both of us, she's making me see him once a month, how on earth is that good for the baby and I? How is that good for Josh? We're going to be a family and I won't let her ruin that" I admit looking up to meet my father's gaze.

"I want to be somewhere where the baby and I are accepted. Amy offered that I move there, she wants to help me and I really don't want to turn down that offer." I whisper.

"I understand" Shawn says making me smile "But your mom" he sighs shaking his head "You'll never hear the end of it" I bite my lip and nod, "She needs to think about what's best for me, I want to move there at least a month before the baby is born" I add.

"We'll discuss all of this at a better time" I nod "Get some sleep kiddo, tomorrow school?" Again I nod. "I love you Maya" he smiles making me pull him in for a hug, "Love you too dad".

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