Chapter 40: Great morning, Worst night

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"Mommy can I have one more?" Everleigh asks holding out her plate whilst licking her lips as she has Nutella all over her mouth. "Me too?" I add with a wide smile, it feels so good to be back home and just have a normal family breakfast.

I decided to hang out with Everleigh yesterday and she somehow convinced me to stay the night here. Not that I minded anyway, tonight is my mom's big day so I also wanted to show her that I was supportive of her.

"Of course girls" she smiles placing another pancake on mine and Evs plate. "Do you want me to help you?" I ask watching my sister struggle with spreading the chocolate on her pancake. "Mhm" she hums nodding her head and handing me the knife so I can do it for her.

"So Maya" my mom starts as I glance up at her, giving Everleigh her plate back once I'm done spreading Nutella all over the pancake. "Since you're having Noah pretty soon and your father and I haven't really been exactly supportive, we wanted to get you something" she admits making my heart swell.

"Mama you didn't have to, you help with the nursery" I remind her but she waves me off. "We got you something, just wait here and I'll go get it" she says taking a step back, "Mom you really didn't have to" I insist but she rolls her eyes "It's too late now, we can't return it" she shrugs with a soft chuckle before she leaves the room.

"Everleigh, go get what we made her" I watch Evs nod and hop down the bar stool before rushing to my old bedroom. I smile to myself and dig into my pancake only to be interrupted by my mom walking in with a huge basket in her hands filled to the brim with a bunch of stuff.

"Oh my gosh" I gasp watching my mom place the basket on the dinning table. "Mom" I say slowly getting off of my seat before walking towards her, "Surprise" she exclaims waving her hands around making me laugh. "Thank you so much" I squeal pulling her in for a hug, before looking at what's in the basket.

I pull out a bunch of toiletrie things for both Noah and I, a few toys but what catches my eyes is one of the pictures Shawn took of Josh and I from my maternity photoshoot. I pull it out and a small white paragraph grabs my attention. "Just when you think you know love, something little comes along to remind you just how big it really is" I read out loud, already feeling tears start to sting the back of my eyes before they fill my eyes and blur my vision.

"I love this" I admit turning to face my mom, "Thank you so much" I say quickly wiping my tears before pulling her in for a hug. "Anything for you sweetheart" I smile and put the frame down before looking at the rest of the things in the basket. There's a bunch of animal themed clothing and regular outfits for him, there's also quite a few with his name on it. Finally the rest is just a few more blankets, teddies, books, tiny little shoes and a whole set of bottles.

"This is amazing, thank you so much mama" I say happily putting everything back in the basket. "Everleigh and I also have something for you" I admit causing her brows to furrow, "Me? What did I do?" She asks confused making me laugh. I look back at my sister and motion for her to give my mom our present.

"Here" Evs smiles brightly handing her two canvas, "Oh my goodness" my mom gasps "These are amazing" she squeals making both Everleigh and I smile. We both did a painting of her wearing her lead role outfit which is Glinda the good witch. "We just want to say good luck, we will be supporting you throughout the night and we both know you'll be doing an amazing job" I say causing a wide smile to pull at her lips and to pull us in for a hug. "Thank you girls".


"Finished" I smile brightly coming out of the bathroom with my hair all done. I had taken the time to curl it just to look more appropriate for the big show tonight. "Wow look at you" Josh grins seeing me all happy and calm for once, as soon as I reached 28 weeks pregnant all I've seen doing is crying, so seeing me smile and in a good mood is probably a good change.

"You like it?" I ask with a wide smile as I watch him nod vigoursly "You look beautiful as always" he compliments making my heart flutter. "Why than-" I start but get cut off by a really bad cramp. I groan in pain and hold my stomach, "What's going on?" Josh asks immediately coming over to me.

"I'm just having a really bad cramp" I explain "Don't worry I've been having them all morning" I wave him off standing up straight. "Maya I think we should go to the hospital" he suggests but I vigoursly shake my head, "I'm fine Josh" I argue "We're going to watch my mom perform and that-" I groan again feeling my stomach tighten again, I grip onto Josh's hand, squeezing it tightly as I wait for the pain to settle.

"We're going to the hospital" he insists making tears start to fill my eyes. "No we can't miss my mom's show" I shake my head letting my tears fall. "Josh please, I-I promised her I'd be there for her" I admit but he sighs and shakes his head. "Baby right now Pumpkin is more important" he says right as my stomach starts tightening again.

"Mom!" Josh yells, "It's going to be okay baby" he assures me, leaving a kiss on the top of my head. "Yes?" Amy asks appearing in our bedroom doorway, "Is she okay?" She instantly asks when her eyes land on me.

"She's been having cramps all day and they're pretty bad right now" Josh explains as I take deep breaths. "She's probably in labour" Amy admits making my eyes widen. "Take her to the car, I'll grab the suitcase" Josh nods and starts helping me out of the room.

"No, he's not suppose to come now" I argue as I stop walking. "Josh please, I want to see my mom" I beg but he sighs and shakes his head.

"Maya Noah is coming, you're going to see your son" I shake my head "No, not today" I argue "Please Josh" I plead. "Maya it's okay, your mom will understand but right now we have to go" I sigh and follow Josh not wanting to argue any further due to the painful cramps I'm experiencing. This has to be the worst night ever.

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