Chapter 35: Moving

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Josh wasn't to thrilled with me walking in the middle of the night alone and pregnant but I didn't really have a choice, I needed to see him, I couldn't stay with in my house any longer. I also knew that my parents were going to find out I snuck out eventually but I didn't care, if they weren't going to be there for me why should I follow their rules.

"My back hurts" I whine as I walk back from the kitchen with a bowl of fruits in my hands, "And my feet are killing me" I add sitting next to Josh on the couch as he glances at me with a smile, "What?" I ask confused as he keeps looking at me.

"I wondered when you were going to enter the stage of complaining" he admits as I raise my brows and my mouth drops open, "If you thinks it's easy carrying a baby around why don't you do it" I challenge making roll his eyes and place his hand on my thigh, "I didn't mean it like that" he assures me "I could never do what you're doing, you're such a strong and gorgeous girl" I smile and lean forwards to peck his lips, "I love you" he adds making me grin, "Yeah?" I question raising a brow.

"If you really loved me you'd give me a back and foot massage" I challenge making him chuckle, "If it makes you feel better than yes" he agrees making my heart swell. Did I really deserve someone like Josh? The fact that he would do anything just to make me happy shows how much he cares about me and loves me.

"I love you so much" I say before crashing my lips back on his in a passionate kiss. "I'm serious" he chuckle pulling away from me, "I'd do anything for you just to see you smile" my heart flutters at his words and right now I couldn't be more thankful to have him in my life and be the father of our son.


"I don't get it!" I groan running my fingers through my hair getting frustrated as I look down at my math homework, "Maya it's only fractions" Josh says softly thinking that his words are helping when they really aren't. "That's the problem!" I exclaim "I don't get fractions" I whine standing up from my seat and walking over to the couch of the living room where I go lie down on the comfortable couch.

This is my first week studying at home since I reached the point of my pregnancy where going to school would be too much, being 22 weeks pregnant isn't as exciting as it sounds, little Noah keeps on kicking and moving around which as cute as it sounds, is actually quite painful. I constantly have to go pee, I'm always tired, my back is always hurting when I'm walking, it's a nightmare. I don't want to be the girl who constantly complains but I'm already done being pregnant, it's a pain.

Anyways studying at home so far is quite awesome. I get to wake up a little later than usual, I have Cory all to myself where he gets to properly explain things to me when I don't understand certain things and I get to visit Josh and have him help me with my homework.

"I'll help you don't worry love" he says walking towards me, he lifts my legs and takes a seat on the couch and places my legs on his lap. "You just need to rest a little" he adds right as I feel Noah kick, I scrunch my nose and hold my breath slightly and quickly let out a breath of relief when I feel no pain. About 2 days ago Noah seemed to be wide awake and constantly moving, again as cute as it sounds it was painful since everything in there feels tight like he doesn't have enough space to move so whenever he does moves around and stretches it hurts.

"Moving again?" Josh questions taking my hand in his and intertwining our fingers, "Mhm" I hum in response as he kisses my hand. "I feel like he's going to be a big boy" I admit making Josh chuckle, "I'm pretty sure it's because your tiny" I roll my eyes and he laughs. "It does make sense, your small so having another small thing grow inside of you" he trails off "Our little pumpkin doesn't have a lot of space" he shrugs.

"And he still has to grow" I whine already thinking about how much pain I'm going to be in. "You only have 18 weeks left, you can do it" he assures me leaning down to peck my lips.

"Talking about 18 weeks left, I wanna move here sometime this week or the other" I admit "I wanna start doing Noah's nursery here" I add with a smile but Josh sighs and runs his fingers through his hair. "Your parents aren't going to be happy" he reminds but "I don't care, they made it quite clear that they aren't supportive so I want to move somewhere where people are and who better than the father of our little pumpkin" I gush making him smile. "Alright" he agrees.


I knew I was going to have a fight with my parents and I knew I should be avoiding it because it stresses me out and that's the worst thing I can do for the baby. "I don't care!" I snap at Shawn who's attempting to change my mind, "Mom has been doing nothing but fight me constantly on everything, I don't want to keep having fights, do you think it's good for the baby!" I exclaim frustratingly.

"If you're moving you're going to cause the biggest fight ever" He argues but I shake my head, "I won't because I'll be somewhere where people actually support me" He groans in frustration and I sigh "Nothing you say will change my mind" His eyes snap back towards me "I am your father and you are only seventeen, you still live under my rules and you are not going to be moving out of this house!" He yells taking me aback. "What's going on?" Topanga asks as she walks in with my mom.

"Maya wants to move to Josh's apartment" Shawn reveals making my mom's eyes widen to the size of saucers. "I'm going, you can yell at me but it's not going to do anything expect stress me and the baby out" I say before taking a deep breath "Look it's the best thing I can do, Josh is the father and when I have the baby I want him to be around as much as possible and I know that if I stay here that won't happen. Amy is also there and she'll help me out since both of you will be working" I explain "I'm moving" I say taking a step back to go to my room but that's when my mom opens her mouth "You will not be leaving this house!" She shouts as I clench my eyes shut.

"You think you can make all these decisions but you are still my daughter and in no-" She continues to shout until Topanga cuts her off "Katie calm down" she says softly, "Do you really want to stress the baby out?" She asks as I glance at Topanga and smile. "I don't want to be rude or anything but constantly yelling at Maya for deciding something won't change anything, she's going to be a mother soon and I think she wants to move out because all you keep doing is shout at her, it isn't her fault if she wants to stay somewhere else" She admits "Give her a little space" she adds as my mother glares at me.

"Can I talk to you?" She asks looking at Topanga who nods. Topanga shoots me a quick smile and I mouth a quick thank you before they walk in the kitchen. Let's hope my mother doesn't kill Topanga for taking my side.

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