not in my lifetime

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tay pov.

i was totally overthinking everything at this point. what should i wear? is this like a real date or another hook up? maybe he was kidding around and he's not expecting me at all? did i like him? did he like me? what if-

"earth to tay!" i snapped out of my thoughts looking over at kendall. "okay you are stressing this out too much, he was so into you. i could tell from a mile away."

"but what if he isn't? i don't want to embarrass myself."

"but you aren't going to honey, you just kind of have to go with the flow of things. now what did you decide on to wear?"

"well i have two options, but i'm not so sure which to pick. this one or this one?" i asked holding them both in the air.

"definitely the right, now hurry! you can't keep lover boy waiting!"

i let out a light chuckle and quickly got dressed. before hand kendall insisted she did my hair and makeup, so i was good to go.

"you look absolutely amazing. now go have fun with steph, but remember stay safe." she winked at me as she slid out the door. that was one wild child.

i looked at myself in the mirror and took a deep breath. i grabbed my purse, keys and phone and made my way out.


it seemed as if in a blink of an eye i was standing in front of steph's door. my stomach was turning, i even considered backing out saying i was sick.

but as soon as he opened the door all of my nervousness went away and i felt like princess.

"hey curry." i gave him a toothless smile as he let me through the door.

"i mean let's just take a moment to appreciate how good the one and only tae-."

"steph!" i giggled, slightly shoving him. "you are way too extra!"

"in my defense, i was just stating pure facts."

i felt my cheeks redden. "well thank you. you don't look too bad yourself curry."

we walked deeper into the house when i came to a stop. "is that," i pointed at the food on his counter."

"your favorite takeout from your favorite italian restaurant? yes, yes it is."

i smiled in awe. "how'd you know?"

"i just know things." i smirked looking up at him and he sent a wink. "well let's get to eating."

"perfect." i sat across from him and we both dug in.


it didn't seem possible that several hours could have gone by. stephen and i were so engaged with each other that the rest of the world was blocked out.

we finished our meals and i went to go wash the dishes but steph stopped me.

"you know you don't have to do that," he said sincerely taking the plates out of my hand.

"but i want to." he gave me the 'look' and i sighed. "but since i know i'm not going to win i'll let it slide just for this one time."

"good. now i have a surprise for you." he gave me the most cheeky smile and i swore i was going to die from the cuteness. he reached for my hand and took me to his balcony.

there were blankets and pillows all over the floor, and little lights dazzled all over, lighting up the dark sky. it was just like the movies.

"steph," i couldn't find the words to say. "it's perfect."

he replied with a smile, taking my hand once again and laying us down on the blankets. our eyes watch the stars above us.

"anything for you, babe." i saw his smirk through the moonlight band i couldn't help but let out a light giggle.

"awe, man. i thought you forgot," i tried to hide my smile the best i could.

"not in my lifetime. you'll always be my babe." he grinned. those words brought butterflies to my stomach and a smile to my face.

there was a moment of silence. "just wait. i'm going to come up with the name of the century."

"i'll be counting on it." we stared into each other's eyes as he brushed the hair out of my face. "aren't you just the cutest ever?"

i tried to contain my blush the best i could. "you're the sweetest."

we let silence take over as we laid in each other's arms watching the stars.

"i want to know everything about you," stephen said at a whisper. i looked at him and smiled.

"where do i start?"

"anywhere you'd like, beautiful. what should i want to know?"

i let out a light chuckle. "this is a hard one, steph." i thought about it for a moment. "well i want to travel the world, skydive, you know just the basic stuff." he chuckled. "i'd think it would be really cool to help kids in africa." i added. "but the more personal stuff? i have the most loving family. i have one sister and one brother-." i stopped myself as i quickly looked away. i took a deep breath trying to gain my courage. steph looked at me with a concerned face.

"is everything okay?"

"um, well it's just i should say i had one brother. he passed away when he was 17, in a car accident."

"tay, i'm so sorry. i didn't mean to-."

"no, steph it's okay. he just wanted me to live my best life. it's nothing to worry about." i gave him a reassuring smile and wrapped my arms around him.

"just know you can tell me anything." he said making me hum in response.

"ugh, i don't want to make the night all sad and stuff now."

"don't worry, you're not. this is the best night i've had in a while."

"well i'm glad i get to be apart of it then." we both smiled and he leaned in bringing our lips together. it felt like fireworks. all of a sudden i heard a dogs bark, interrupting us.

"wait, you have a dog?" i giggled.

"yeah, one that ruins perfect moments," he said annoyed. i couldn't help but smile.

and the night went on with laughter and happiness.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2019 ⏰

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