going to a club

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"so what's new?" my best friend, kendall asked me.

"nothing too cool. just work i guess. how about you? what's going in the life of kendall marie?"

"just the usual, you know." she sent me a wink and i couldn't help but groan. as much as i loved my best friend, she was a hoe. "okay don't throw that sass at me. i'm not a goody two shoes like you who waits for the right man to come along."

"if only you knew how i've been acting up recently," i murmured under my breath. but to be fair, it's been with the same guy. so that should clear up my name a little bit.

"what was that?"

"oh nothing." i gave her a smile and she shook it off.

"hmm, alrighty then. so anyways do want to go clubbing tonight? i mean i have nothing planned and figured why not? it will be fun."

"i don't know. whenever i go clubbing with you nothing good seems to happen." exhibit a: stephen.

"girl, you gotta live a little. you can't let you your work life completely consume you. so without anything else being said, you my friend are going out with me. end of discussion."

"okay then." i laughed.

"i'll see you tonight boo." and with that she hung up the phone. i sighed and plopped down on my bed. i wasn't really in the mood to go out tonight but i guess i've gotta.

it was still somewhat early in the afternoon and i decided to take a nap before the nights festivities.

but right when i closed my eyes, of course my phone had to go off.

@stephencurry30: still been waiting on that text smh :/

@taymadison: sorry :))

@stephencurry30: i know you're giving me that sarcastic smile of yours rn..

i definitely was.

@taymadison: i definitely am.. what can i say?

@stephencurry30: haha very funny. do you have plans tonight?

@taymadison: maybe, maybe not.

@stephencurry30: babe...

@taymadison: i'm going to a club with my best friend

@stephencurry30: okay, see you there babe;)

@taymadison: wardell....

after that he never responded to me. out of all the clubs in the area, there was no way we would end up at the same one.


it was starting to get late, so i decided i should probably start to get ready. i straightened my brunette hair, applied my makeup, put on a red, sparkly, short dress with black heels.

shortly my doorbell rang so i ran downstairs grabbing my phone and handbag first. i opened the door and kendall's mouth dropped.

"girl, stop." i chuckled, and spun around to give her a three sixty. "how do i look?"

"like a freaking hottie! who are you trying to impress? i mean boys will be lining up to dance with you. you make me look like trash tay!"

"oh, whatever! you know that ain't true. but let's get going girl."

i offered to drive because i wasn't planning on partying to hard tonight. and i knew for a fact that i would have to be taking care of a waisted kendall by morning.

when we finally got to the club it was packed. like you could barely move packed. the smell of alcohol and sweaty bodies filled my nose and i wanted to get out of there already.

i looked to my side to see that kendall had already disappeared, most likely grinding against some stranger already. that girl had no limits, i swear.

groaning i went to the bar and ordered a drink. i seriously shouldn't have came here tonight.


as the hours went by i found myself downing drinks and dancing with a bunch of guys who i probably shouldn't be.

but at the state i was in, there was no fighting against it. i know i promised myself i wouldn't get like this, but i was completely intoxicated.

"i'll be right back," i whispered into the strangers ear of whom i've been dancing with. i giggled before making my way to the bar to order another drink.

then i found myself downing shots with some randoms who were egging it on. when i was about to down the seventh shot, i stopped when i saw the man who i've been messing with these past couple days.

i gasped and tried my best to make my way over to him. i wrapped my hands around him and squealed.

he turned around with a confused expression but smirked once he saw me.

"stephie!" i scream.

"someone couldn't wait for me, could they babe?" he licked his lips and eyed me up and down.

without thinking, cause i couldn't think i started to kiss his neck. then i felt him wrap his hands around my butt.

"damn steph, you really in this to win it, huh?!" i turned to the side and was met with a few men's gazes.

"and who are you guys?" i asked, the sass evident in my tone.

"just a few of you know, stephie's friends," one of them smirked, turning their stare to stephen. "the game makers," he sent steph a wink.

he kind of shook his head at them but i was to drunk to really care what was going on.

"well ok. wardell let's go danceee!" i slurred.

"man, you are really, really drunk babe."

"so? are you going to complain about it or are you gonna come dance with me?"

without any further arguing he led me to the middle of the dance floor where we started to grind against each other.

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