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I don't own RWBY, Bakugan, or any of the franchises that have or may appear in the story, save for my OC's. Amy OC belongs to noideafor .

3rd Person POV:

The sounds of gunshots and blades clashing together filled the room as the fight in the small arena intensified. Y/N sat next to his team, his eyes analyzing every move that Pyrrha made as she fought all of Team CRDL. His eyes widened when she slid between Lark's and Cardin's attacks and threw her shield, hitting Cardin before it bounced to hit Sky.

Hayden: No wonder she's won the tournament 4 times.

Ebony: You just can't train that. There has to be some natural skill in there.

Y/N: Whatever it is, Cardin's no match for it.

Russel's yell brought them back and they watched as he launched himself at Pyrrha, but her shield blocked the blow. Dove and Russel both started laying combination moves onto her, but she expertly blocked and parried every blow they threw. She turned just in time to dodge a blow from Cardin's mace before she fired a volley of bullets at the hulking student. Deflecting the bullets with his mace, he charged only to receive a knee to the face. After a short flurry of blows, Pyrrha knocked Cardin back only for Russel to jump in again. Knocking him aside with her spear, Pyrrha found herself facing Dove. She tried to hit him back, but he moved away from her blade before firing with his pistol-sword. Her shield blocking the bullet, she charged and tried to hit him, but he jumped back.

Just as he was about to launch another attack, Dove was knocked back by Cardin, who yelled before slamming his mace into the ground, Pyrrha jumping out of the way as an explosion rocked beneath her. She landed on her feet before rushing Cardin again and slashing him into the air. Jumping up to him, Pyrrha slashed again and again until she began to fall. Using her shield as a springboard, she launched herself to him and pulled her spear against his neck before slamming him to the ground and kicking him into the air. When he hit the ground again, Goodwitch walked forward with what looked like a satisfied smile.

Glynda: And that's the match.

Y/N: No kidding. Any more and I think his face would've caved in.

Glynda: Alright, now I know that's a tough act to follow, but we have time for one more sparring match. Any volunteers?

She waited for a few seconds before her eyes landed on Blake.

Goodwitch: Ms. Belladonna? You've been rather docile for the past few classes.

Blake looked up, her face showing shock, before she tried looking away, as if hoping that she would turn invisible.

Goodwitch: Why don't you-

???: (raises hand) I'll do it.

Goodwitch: Mercury, is it? Very well, let's find you an opponent.

Mercury: Actually, I want to fight...... (looks at Pyrrha, but suddenly points at Y/N) him.

Goodwitch: Very well. Mr. Rose and Mr. Black, please get ready for combat.

A few minutes later, Y/N and Mercury circled each other, the former flexing his fingers around the handle of his blade. Above them, Ruby and Yang watched excitedly while Weiss felt concern reaching into her. Both of them rushed at each other, Mercury launching a kick to Y/N's side. Y/N slid across the floor until his heels touched the wall. Y/N felt his blade start to hum as it activated before his arms were draped with ash and shadow. Both rushed at each other again, but when Mercury tried to kick him again, Y/N quickly blocked the blow before launching a salvo of punches into Mercury's ribs. The silver-haired student started blocking Y/N's blows and intercepting them with his own. Flesh and muscle nearly cracking at the blows, but Mercury launched himself off of Y/N before one of the blows hit him again.

RWBY x Male Reader Volume 2 (RWBY x Bakugan Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now