Field Trip

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I'm making an OC for the Huntsman that your team will be shadowing in the next few chapters instead of just putting you with RWBY and Oobleck. Here she is.

Name: Alexandra "Alex" Lee
Age: 32
Gender: Female
Faunus Type: Bear. Has claws extending from her fingertips that can rend flesh easily. They can retract.
Eye Color: Maple
Skin Color: Dark Brown
Height: 6 ft, 4in
Body Type: Akin to mixed-martial artist build
Hair Style/Color: Hair is black with an amber tinge. The style is wavy, but she keeps in a ponytail.

Semblance: She can emit a powerful shockwave from her hands that can shatter parts of a building and crack the ground, quite literally changing the battlefield.

Outfit: Lara Croft's Hope's Bastion from Rise of the Tomb Raider

Personality and Biography: Much like a bear, Alexandra is mostly a loner

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Personality and Biography: Much like a bear, Alexandra is mostly a loner. She has a very serious attitude and never looks back on the past. A vicious fighter, Alex is known for her defense of villages and feared by her reputation for biting whole chunks out of bandits. Raised in Menagerie, Alex was an orphan. She quickly set herself apart from other children with her ferocious demeanor. Having chosen to attend Shade Academy, she is used to harsh weather conditions should any arise. Graduating with honors, Alex chose to break contact with her team and transferred her activities to the Kingdom of Vale.
Weapons: Alex uses a cleaver-sword for her primary weapon. Dust channels are built into the blade that she can activate by pressing different triggers in the hilt. Her claws are also used for close encounters

Disclaimer: I do not own RWBY, Bakugan, or any of the franchises that appear or may be mentioned in this story.

Ozpin's POV:

Ironwood: (slamming his fist against the desk) They were here. Ozpin, they were here!

Glynda: We are very much aware of that. Thank you, James.

Ironwood: Fantastic, you're aware. Now, are we going to do something about it or should we stay the course and continue to ignore what's right in front of us?!

A beep alerted Ozpin of someone at the door.

Ozpin: (rising from his seat) Come in.

The doors opened to reveal Ruby, a nervous expression on the young girl's face.

Ruby: Oh, sorry it took so long. Someone accidently hit all of the buttons in the elevator on the way up. It wasn't me.

Ozpin: Thank you for coming Ruby. How are you feeling?

Ruby: (shrugs) Okay, I guess. I'd feel better if my bad-guy-catching-record wasn't 0 for 3.

Ruby, having expected a laugh or maybe a chuckle, felt the air grow tense when she saw the three teachers looking at her with serious looks.

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