Hogwarts --Sisiny

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I was brought up to believe in science. Every action has an equal and opposite reaction. The sky is blue because molecules in the air scatter the blue waves of light more than any other color. People float in water because their body is less dense than the water.

Yet there I stood, staring at a painting of a man sleeping in an uncomfortable-looking chair... his chest moved with every breath. Though I had been at Hogwarts for nearly a full week, I was still awestruck by the paintings moving. This time, it wasn't the movement that caught my gaze. It was the googly eyes. They were stuck to the painting exactly where the man's eyes would be. They jiggled a tiny bit each time he moved. He would soon wake and have a fit about them. The eyes stared at me even as I continued my trek down the corridor again.

Hogwarts was so surreal. The paintings moved and talked. The food magically appeared on the tables at mealtimes. I had to solve a riddle in order to get into my own dormitory.

I had been sorted into Ravenclaw. The Ravenclaw house was known for being the "smart" house, so I wasn't sure I would fit in. Most of the other students in Ravenclaw house were friendly enough, though.

I'd arrived at the Great Hall just as the first pink signs of dawn shown through the windows. The ceiling inside mimicked the outside sky. Purely breathtaking at this time of the day; the pink hues meshing through the clouds that separated the night and day, very few stars twinkled just then. Of course, the candles floating above provided light enough wherever I stood. They faded and extinguished behind me as I walked through the sea of round tables. The candlelight illuminating one table in the middle of the room told me there was another person here. On a Saturday morning, especially the first of the semester, the Great Hall was otherwise abandoned. I approached her table. A Gryffindor, by the looks of her deep red robes.

"Hi," I said quietly. "Do you mind if I join you?" I gestured to a seat only two away from hers. She nodded and yawned. "Thanks." I seated myself and looked down at the gold encrusted plates and goblet in front of me. I whispered to them, "May I have some scrambled eggs, buttered toast, and chocolate milk, please?" The items appeared only a second later hot and fresh, smelling delicious. "Thank you." A white chip macadamia nut cookie appeared on a smaller plate near my now-full goblet. How did they know this was my favorite kind? I wondered, smiling.

Turning to the girl I introduced myself. "My name's Sisiny. what's yours?"

She looked shyly at her bowl of oatmeal and spoke quietly. "...Antigone."

"Antigone? That's damn cool. Parents into Greek mythology?"

She looked nearly alarmed at my acceptance, then nodded.

"Nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you, as well," she said just as quietly as before.

Just then, the Great Hall door opened again. An older boy, probably a seventh year, strode nimbly through the tables with a bit much spring in his step for it being only 6 am. The candlelight followed his presence as he made his way to our table.

"Ah! A new Saturday morning crew!" Antigone and I shared a look of do you know this guy? "I'm Keegan," he continued as if not noticing our hesitance. "What's for breakfast?" A few choices materialized on the table. "I'll have a few of these, some of this, and this...." Keegan loaded his plate with fruit and sausages covered in some sort of gravy. "First years, are you?"

Both of us nodded.

"Excellent! Such a great time, first year. I remember my first year. Got lost a ton, fell off the staircase when it moved, stepped on Mrs. Norris's tail..."

"Mrs. Norris?" I asked.

"Oh yes! Filch's cat. She's not doing too well, lately. Getting up there in years, you know. Nearly 40 I'd say. But back in the day, she could really sniff out the troublemakers."

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