Tekkies and the Stylus - Sisiny First Year

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Sisiny followed Daniel to a classroom full of students chattering away and moving desks into a circular shape, clearing space in the middle of the room. Daniel was revealing his invention to the other Tekkies today.
Sisiny had only been able to use it a few times, but the attempts were successful and Daniel's confidence was quite high about the Stylus now. There was only about 10 other students in the group altogether. Shouldn't really be hard to convince them how useful it could be.
Daniel showed Sisiny to a seat and set his bag next to her, clearing his throat for attention. The Tekkies quieted.
"Ladies and gentlemen. Our goal in this club is to--"
"We know, get on with it," one of the older looking boys said with an eyebrow raised.
Daniel took a deep breath and reached into his bag. "Okay then... I've made a prototype. Well, two actually. And they work." He pulled from his bag what looked like two short black pens, like the kind that you can use on smartphones. "I call them the Styluses."
"Pu-hokay. Sounds genius," an older girl quipped. Daniel glanced at Sisiny, who was taken aback by the rudeness of the older students, but smiled at him to keep going.
"So... It's sort of like... Texting? You can send a message to anyone else with a Stylus. I haven't worked out everything yet but you pretty much just write. Like this."
Daniel handed Sisiny hers and continued, "I'm just going to write 'hey.'" Putting the Stylus point to the desk, he began writing. It glowed yellow, starting where it contacted the desk and worked its way up the other end. Exactly where he'd written on the desk glowed as well and looked like a burn mark that said, "Hey," in his own handwriting. When Daniel finished he swiped his hand across the letters. They disappeared under his hand.
The older students seemed to be slightly interested now.
"As you can see," he gestured for Sisiny to raise her own Stylus, "this little dot on hers is now glowing, indicating that she has a message. When she taps it against a surface..."
Sisiny tapped the non-pointed end on her own desk and his message appeared, scorching onto the surface in the exact strokes he'd used, starting from the top of the H all the way down to the swirl of the tail on the y, as if an invisible pen wrote it all over again.
"Whoa," one of the younger students said aloud.
"....So what exactly is wrong with it?"
"Well... There's a few kinks I haven't really worked out. So far you can only write on hard surfaces, like the stone walls or desks. No pillows, they kind of catch fire. A little. ...And you can't write cuss words."
"Why not?" The first boy seemed almost offended at the idea of keeping his messages clean.
"Uh, well... My mom kind of put a curse on me and made it so I can't say any. I guess it sort of made it so that none of the Styluses can write them. So far."
The older boy bust out laughing, soon followed by the rest of the club members. Daniel looked at the floor.
"Wait what if you mess up? It doesn't have an eraser," a younger boy asked in a serious voice.
Daniel took a moment to answer, probably trying to stay composed. ".....you use the side of your hand." He drew a squiggly on the desk and used the side of his fist to erase it, like one of those whiteboards when you make a stray mark and just want to get rid of that part without pulling out the whole eraser. "That's pretty much it."
Sisiny could tell Daniel was disappointed with the reactions he'd gotten. Personally, she thought it was really cool. She couldn't wait to make more friends and draft them to test the Styluses out with her.
"Can you make more? How do you send it to a specific person if there's more than one? Can you have multiple recipients?" A young girl shot questions out as though afraid she'd be made fun of if she didn't say them quickly enough.
The younger boy piped up. "What about writing on water? Can you change the ink color?"
"Uh. I. Uh. I can make more. I'll have to test some more. Do you want to try it, too?"
She nodded quickly.
"Okay I'll, uh, let you know when it's ready."
Daniel and Sisiny gathered their bags and left the room amidst the chatter. Out in the hall, Daniel let out a defeated sigh.
"You did great. You even have two new testers."
"Yeah but they all also made fun of me." He rubbed his face with his hands as though fatigued.
"Yeah, screw them though. The Stylus will be a huge hit once we get more testing done."
Daniel still didn't seem enthusiastic.
"Look, this is a great beginning. And look at all the possibilities we can add! They might not have been nice about it, but they actually gave us a lot of ideas to work with. Even to build on and make it better."
He sort of smiled a bit. "I guess I've got a lot of work to do."

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