Hogwarts Clubs

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  "You're joining a club, right?" I overheard a girl say to another in the hall after lunch.
"I don't know... I have N.E.W.T.s this year. I just don't think I'll have that much time. I'll probably just be with the Study Bugs..."
I'd heard of the Study Bugs before. Some sort of study group for students needing help with classwork. What other clubs are there at Hogwarts? I had a free period before Herbology so I headed back to the common room.
There they were, posted on the notice board. Tons of flyers for school clubs.

They read:

Historical Society - Reenact the Past! Hosted by Professor Binns

Tech Club - Bring Hogwarts into the 21st century - Discover the wonders of the Interwebs - a student run organization

D.A. - Dumbledore's Army - Defense Against the Dark Arts enthusiasts - 3rd years+ only

Alchemy Club - Potions and Alchemy exploration held by Professor Slughorn

Quidditch House tryouts Saturday

Band and Chorus with Professor Flitwick

Elemental Magic - Always open - Feel the magic

Forest Dwellers - Discover the Forbidden Forest and meet new creatures with Professor Hagrid

Cooking Club - Fine arts of cuisine - Learn your way around the kitchen - taught by the Hogwarts kitchen staff

Giant Squid worship held Sunday mornings - snacks provided

Experimental Magic Club - Have new ideas to share with the magical world? Show us what you got!

"Joining a club then?" came a voice at my side. It was a boy, maybe second or third year, dark skinned, thin, glasses, short hair.

"I... I'm not really sure. There's kind of a lot of them."

"Yeah it can be a hard choice. Name's Daniel." He extended his hand in introduction.

"Sisiny." We shook. "Do you...? Are you in any clubs?" I gestured at the board.

"Yeah. Tekkie. Working on something big this year, actually." He drew himself to his full height to achieve impressiveness. "You're a first year?"

I nodded.

"So what club suits your fancy?"

"...I don't really know. I don't know if I want to worship a squid, really..."

"It's not for everyone, that's for sure. But I'd check it out at least once."

"Okay... well, the cooking club sounds kind of fun."

"Whoa, no. Don't go into that unless you're absolutely serious. They will flambe you otherwise."

"Oh." That didn't sound like a fun club. "Well, what about that forest one? Or that elemental magic one?"

Daniel snorted. "Sure, elemental. If you can call that magic. They basically just nap sitting upright outside. It's a come-and-go kind of club because most of them ditch in the winter. I'm more of an inside guy. Tekkies like being surrounded with technology, it's our natural habitat."

"So what do the Tekkies do?"

"Our goal is to bring Hogwarts into the 21st century. We're talking phones, internet, computers! There isn't a lot of us but we have big dreams."

"So what are you working on?"

He glanced around. "You wanna be a tester?"

"To test what you're working on?"

Daniel nodded.

"I guess. Will it blow up?"


"Eh, whatevs. Okay." I shrugged.

"Okay I can't show you what I'm working on yet. Give me a week or two. That kind of makes you an honorary Tekkie. You don't have to join the club but you can come with me to meetings."

"OOooooooookay. Am I allowed to join another club though?"

"Yeah the clubs aren't exclusive."

I looked back up at the board. "What about... experimental magic?"

"You want to be a Mental?"

"What do they do? Their flyer doesn't say anything."

"Ah, I don't know. I've only heard you have to be crazy to experiment with magic. That's why they're dubbed 'Mentals'. Come to think, I don't even know a Mental." He pondered a moment, looking at the board. "Huh. Let me get back to you on that."

Daniel left. OOoooooookay then. Odd duck. I looked one last time at the board. Maybe I'd have to check out a few of them to know what I wanted to join. 

History isn't my thing, but maybe I can see one of their reenactments. Next flyer was the Tech club, guess I'm part of that now. The DA is only for 3rd years and up, so that's a no. Alchemy? That sounds.... interesting. Maybe it'll be like a potions class though. Eh. Quidditch, no. Band and chorus? Not really. I'm not talented at any of those. Elemental magic could be fun, maybe I'll pop in there, or out there I guess. Forest Dwellers... it sounds fun but I dunno. Maybe? That cooking one sounded scary. Or intense, at least. Eh, maybe just a look-see. Then the squid. He said to try it once. Well, it doesn't have to be this year, does it? Yeah that's a "next year" kind of thing. And lastly, the Mentals. What do they mean by "new ideas" I wonder? 

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