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"Turn the fucking AC on, it's hot as hell" Yuta complained as he pulled the neck of his shirt up and down, in hopes of creating a breeze

"We're literally in hell, what do you expect?" Jaemin said rolling his eyes as he sat on the velvet couch

"So, how is he?" Jeno asked Jungwoo and Ten who just walked out of Taeyong's room

"He's restless, and he seems like he's not gonna get any better until we take him back home, and Kun and Taeil can't seem to get his fever down" Jungwoo said as he slumped down next to Jaemin

"What do you expect? He's 19 almost 20 how do you expect him to be okay after waiting for a long time? If I was that girl, I would not be in that house when we take him back" Ten said scoffing as he leaned on the wall

"I'd throw the whole house away. It probably reeks of her scent by now, and it'll make Taeyong even more worse" Jaemin said

"Well, What do we do? We either bring him home or we let him stay here until the pain subsides?" Jungwoo said

"And risk him doing something to that girl? No way, he's not himself right now and if he does something, he'll never forgive himself" Yuta said shaking his head as the boys nodded in agreement

Suddenly the door of Taeyong's room busted open and Taeyong sped out, as the guys tried to tackle him to the floor, but he was way too fast and was soon out the door.


The day was nice and Sunmi sat on the grass outside, while her sister and the younger boys were playing an aggressive game of Rock Paper Scissors as the loser had to get hit in the head with an empty bottle of water.

(Crackhead baby behavior^^)

"You look very relaxed" A voice was heard from behind Sunmi as she turned around and seen Sicheng, guessing that it was him since she didn't recognize his face

"Yup, I rather be outside than be cooped up in my room" Sunmi said chuckling as he sat next to her on the grass

"I can relate. I'm Sicheng by the way, but call me Winwin if you like" He said smiling warmly

"I'm Sunmi, but I'm sure the rest of the guys already told you about me" She said smiling back

"Yeah, they did. You know I would usually shake your hand right now since I'm introducing myself but I'm sorta really sick at the moment" Winwin said chuckling as she nodded

"It's okay, at least you seem well enough to be outside" Sunmi said as she looked at him as he looked up at the sky

"Wish that could be true, but anyways, how have you've been enjoying being here so far?" Winwin said sighing and looking back at Sunmi

"Everyone is nice and made me and my sister feel welcomed, it's been great so far" Sunmi said smiling

"Glad to hear that" Winwin said with a contented expression

The two suddenly turn their heads towards the house, as a crashing sound was heard from inside.

"You two stay here with Winwin" Renjun said to Sunmi and Sujin as the boys went inside the house

The ruckus inside goes silent and it seemed like the air stopped blowing, as it was dead silent.

Taeyong walked out the house heading towards Sunmi, who felt a stabbing pain in her stomach the minute she seen him. Her vision blurred, and felt a wave of dizziness hit her unexpectedly as she was about to fall to the ground, but Jaehyun speeds over to catch her, running away from Taeyong, who chased after them.

Running through a nearby forest, Sunmi felt herself become very hot, feeling like her body was on fire, and at this point gradually loosing consciousness.

"Hang on there, Sunmi" Jaehyun said as he grimaced in pain from how hot Sunmi's body felt, it was literally burning his skin but he couldn't stop running.

The trees soon started to clump together as large tree branches started to block any pathway that Jaehyun could be able to run through.

Hearing a dark chuckle from behind him, Jaehyun turned around and to see Taeyong standing there.

"Jaehyun, let her go" Taeyong said lowly as he stepped closer to them

"You're not yourself right now, Taeyong. We can't let you have her" Jaehyun said backing away as his back was nearly hitting the branch barrier that blocked the pathway

"That's the least of your worries, worry about your life instead" Taeyong said scoffing

"You won't hurt me, Taeyong wouldn't let you" Jaehyun said and Taeyong chuckled darkly

"Trust me, I don't want to hurt you, but the longer you're touching my mate's body, the more angrier I'll get" 

"Trust me, I don't want to hurt you, but the longer you're touching my mate's body, the more angrier I'll get" 

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