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Sunmi struggled to open her eyes as she tried to free herself from her captors hold, as they landed on the ground softly and finally she was able to open her eyes

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Sunmi struggled to open her eyes as she tried to free herself from her captors hold, as they landed on the ground softly and finally she was able to open her eyes.

"Let me go!" Sunmi exclaimed, sitting his chest, as he threw her to the ground in the backyard of some mansion

"Stop screaming, I think your screams pierced my ear drum" The captor said as he took off his mask, Revealing a young guy, with an annoyed look on his face

"Why should I? You are the one that kidnapped me and took me to this place, you want me to laugh about instead?" Sunmi said as she got up and pushed him hard

"I'm done with this demon shit, just tell me what you want and take me back to the mortal world!" Sunmi said as she pushed him once again and this time, he fell to the ground

"Woah, there, Lets not have a full on fight break out in my yard, okay?" A tall man came out of the mansion as he wore all white, and stepped in between the two

"No, he kidnapped me" Sunmi said charging at her captor but got held back by the tall man

"Can we talk about this inside, I'll explain everything to you if you just calm down, Misuk" The man said gently as Sunmi furrowed her eyebrows when he said her real name

"How do you know my real name?" She asked as he grinned and bowed

"I'm Yunseo aka Satan"

"I didn't expect Satan to be so......nice" Sunmi said as Yunseo handed her a cup of tea

"Well, someone has to take care of hell, it wasn't exactly my choice but what can i do? My brother wouldn't have giving me an Heir if I didn't do my Job" Yunseo said as he sat next to her, Sunmi taking a sip of the tea and grimaced how bitter it was

"Drink it, You're not used to being in hell, so this will help you not die" He said as she immediately gulped it down quickly, not wanting to risk dying in literal hell

"So, Why did you send him to get me? Couldn't you just tell Taeyong that you wanted to speak with me instead of kidnapping me?" Sunmi said pointing at the boy who was sitting across from them on the other couch

"Well, Taeyong especially Minho would be opposed to letting you step foot outside the Human realm, i think it's because alot of people want you two dead" Yunseo chuckled as Sunmi chuckled nervously, looking a little mortified

"So, that's why I sent Hendery to get you from the Human Realm, He is a shadow demon so that's why he was successful into what you call kidnapping you" Yunseo said

Before Sunmi could even say anything, a hard thump was heard from the backyard, as the three rushed to  see what it was.

"Sunmi" Jaehyun said rushing towards Sunmi as he grabbed her shoulders, examining her to see if she was hurt

"Are you okay? Did he do anything to you?" He said worried as Taeyong only rolled his eyes at him

"She's clearly fine, Hyung probably gave her something" Taeyong said as Yunseo smiled, going up to tae and hugging him

Taeyong squirmed and his face was anything but comfortable, as Yunseo squeezed her arms around him.

"My godson, it's always good to see you" Yunseo beamed as Taeyong only chuckled, and nodded

"And you, My brother is gonna give me an earful if he knows that you're here" Yunseo said turning to look at Jaehyun, who just shrugged his shoulders

"I have nothing to loose....thanks to him" Jaehyun said lowly as Sunmi just looked confused with this interaction

"Hyung, whats the reason for you to take Sunmi here? It's not safe at all for her to be here, especially without me" Taeyong said as they all walked back inside, 

"I needed to meet my godson's mate and the future queen of Hell, it's bound to happen, and besides, nobody can go inside my fortress without loosing several limbs" Yunseo said sitting down on his couch, bringing his cup of tea to his lips

"Minho is probably freaking out right now, I should head back to tell them that it was a false alarm" Johnny said as he bowed to Yunseo and Hendery, excusing himself

"Hyung, i think you have much more of a reason to bring us here, what is it?" Taeyong said as Yunseo sighed and nodded his head

"The covens have once again started to act up as much more years pass by, and since you're already of age, it makes them anxious, Especially my brother, who you know is not very patient when it comes to these things" Yunseo said as Taeyong tensed up, Sunmi feeling it as she sat inbetween Him and Jaehyun

"And you want to know if I'm actually ready to take over your place?" Taeyong said lowly as he held a blank expression

"Yes, there was a deadline to the agreement I had with my Brother, and I think that as you get older, he grows wary that his second greatest creation would be at risk" Yunseao said shaking his head and leaning back into the couch

"Second? Whose the first?" Sunmi said as everyone tensed up this time, especially Jaehyun, who seemed to have stopped breathing for second and he turned white

"That's another conversation for another day, Misuk"

Sorry for any grammar errors and misspelling! I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and happy New Years!

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Sorry for any grammar errors and misspelling! I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and happy New Years!

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