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"Where are you going this late?"

"It's none of your business where I was going" Sunmi said as she pushed him away and went towards the kitchen, him following behind

"It is my business, if something were to happen to you, I'd have to go save you" Taeyong said as he leaned against the door frame, watching whatever Sunmi was doing

"Ha, like I need you to save me" Sunmi said chuckling dryly as she opened the fridge and grabbed a bottle of water

"Alright, If something happens to you and I die along with you, I'm dragging you to hell with me, Princess" Taeyong said winking at her teasingly

"Haha, funny"

Sunmi walked out of the kitchen and went towards the sliding glass doors that led to the backyard, Taeyong still following behind her.

"Are you just gonna keep following me?" Sunmi said getting quiet annoyed as she kept walking through the garden

"Yeah, I have nothing to do and I'm bored" Taeyong said shrugging his shoulders, Sunmi only rolled her eyes, and let him follow her

"Don't you need to sleep?" Sunmi said as they reached the swing set and she sat down on one of them, Taeyong doing the same

"I can't sleep, I'm physically not able to" Taeyong said as looked up at the sky, the stars shinning brightly down at the earth

"How come?" Sunmi said as she looked at him, instead of looking up at the night sky, finding it better to look at him instead

"I'm a hybrid of many different things, which oddly caused me to not be able to sleep, I can get tired but never enough to make me actually fall asleep intentionally" Taeyong said with a slight sad look in his eyes as he still had his stare fixated on the sky

"It must be lonely at night, everyone's asleep and you're the only one awake" Sunmi said feeling a little sympathetic towards him as he nodded finally looking at her

they're eyes meeting unexpectedly, making Sunmi feel a little flustered but she somehow couldn't look away.

"I got used to it, and I like to stay awake, it makes me think that I'm somehow protecting and watching over everyone at a time where they get to be vulnerable and rest" Taeyong said smiling

"Sunmi, I'm sorry" Taeyong said as his smile dropped and Sunmi tilted her head to the side in confusion onto why he was apologizing

"The boys and Minho were so adamant on protecting you, even I was so persistent on not falling into my demon's instincts, even if it meant I'd die" Taeyong said as he remembered how much pain he was in the days before this one, to the point where his own demon was starting to kill him from the inside but he didn't tell any of the boys about the severity of his condition

(^^^ his demon was basically sucking out all the life source he could from Taeyong until he got what he wanted which was his mate)

"I was bound to find out, and I know you weren't in control, so I can't just be mad at you, besides, I gave in as well" Sunmi said as she shrugged her shoulders, looking down at her lap

"Sunmi, even though we're mates, I'm not gonna force you to be with me. Unlike me, you actually have a chance to have a normal life, and I don't want to ruin that" Taeyong said as Sunmi nodded slowly

"And just to prevent anything from happening, It's better if you just keep a comfortable distance between us, so that we don't trigger our demons" Taeyong said as Sunmi nodded once again, not really sure what to say and only found it better to just comply to his request

"I agree"

"Good, I think the guys would be mad if they see me here with you alone, so I think I should get go now" Taeyong said as he stood up and bowed at Sunmi

"Goodnight, Sunmi"

"Goodnight, Sunmi"

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