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All that hard work
The pain, the fighting, the crying
Sleepless nights
Ridicule from family and friends
Criticized by myself
And you still don't understand

Endlessly I tried
No actually proved
That I am not equivalent to the others

I have been there for years
But even moreso recently
Listening to your thoughts and feelings
Holding you in my arms as you cried
Trying my hardest
To protect you from hurt and pain
Fighting against my will
Getting you closure

Crying my eyes out
Because you aren't okay
Taking pills to numb the hole
That you once filled

A legitimate love
For you and your sisters
The choice between
A giant chocolatebar for memory sake
Or one gift for everyone

My love wasn't materialistic
Not based on others thoughts
Or societies norm

I fell in love with a gentleman
The boy who played abnormal games
Had multiple oversized jackets
An anime enthusiast
But most of all
The person that captured me

But as clearly as I saw him
Was as blurred as he saw me

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