Prologue: After Beacon Graduation! A HeartBroken Discovery

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(A/N: Well, hello my fellow readers and followers here is the Prologue to this story and by the title of this prologue you should know what's going to happen and also in this story you (the reader) is NOT the cheater in this story, it will be explained,

Now with all that said, let the reading begin.)

3rd P.O.V

"It the day of graduation at Beacon and everyone is excited as four of them are the team known as STRQ who the team is Summer Rose, Taiyang Xiao Long, Raven and Qrow Branwen. They are walking towards the landing pad and they're excited and Summer is more excited...................
Summer: *sigh* "Finally, we graduated from Beacon."
Qrow: "Yes, finally."
Taiyang: "So, how about we head to a restaurant to celebrate?"
Summer: "Sorry, but I can't."
Taiyang: "Why?"
Raven: "It's (Y/N) ain't it?"
Summer: "Yep, after graduation me and him are gonna move into a house he built last year. He said he made it for me and him to be together."
Qrow: "You always love hanging out with him?"
Summer: "He's my boyfriend, he's so romantic I just love him."
????: "I always love you too my rose."
..................she turns around and she sees (Y/N) walking behind him as he graduated with Team STRQ and Summer rush to him and she kisses him and he spins her around as they did and he lets her down...................
Taiyang: "Wow, I can't believe you two still stay together after a long time."
(Y/N): "Well, what do you expect? You and Raven are together."
Taiyang: "Yeah. Good point."
Qrow: "So, you finally finished that house?"
(Y/N): "Yeah. And everything is ready, we just have to get everything ready and move in. *looks at Summer* You ready to see it?"
Summer: "Yes. Let's go."
.....................they walk off with (Y/N) wrapping his arm around Summer's shoulders and she has her arm on his back as they laugh and talk as they're moving further from the group.....................
Raven: "I swear those two make a cute couple."
Qrow: "They're good for each other."
Taiyang: "He always makes Summer happy."

Summer P.O.V

....................Summer is in (Y/N)'s car as they're headed to the house that (Y/N) built with his family and she was so excited, (Y/N) stops as he gets out the car and he gets out as he walks to the other side of the car and opens the passenger door and let's Summer out and she gets out as they head towards the house and (Y/N) stops Summer..................
Summer: "What is it (Y/N)?"
(Y/N): "I want it to be a surprise, so I want to surprise you."
Summer: "Awww, alright."
......................he gets behind her and covers her eyes as she is walking the same way to make sure she walks perfectly as Summer is getting excited..................
Summer: "How much longer (Y/N)? I can't wait."
(Y/N): "Just a little bit further."
.....................he continues guiding her to the house and then they stop and Summer gets excited as he uncovers her eyes and she opens them as her eyes widen seeing the house:

(A/N: I had to find a good house, so this is what I found.)

Summer: "Oh, my gosh

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Summer: "Oh, my gosh. It's so beautiful."
(Y/N): "That's right, me and my family worked hard. For the both of us."
Summer: "You are amazing (Y/N), I'm so glad we're dating."
(Y/N): "So am I, so shall we go in?"
Summer: *gets picked up by (Y/N) bridal style* "Oh, yes."
.....................she giggles as he goes up the stairs as he carried her and they walked in as they moved on with their lives together...................

Raven P.O.V
Three Days Later

...................ever since Raven and Taiyang also had a house, she suspects he is acting weird and she is curious at why he is acting weird and he's also avoiding her for acouple of days. She is returning home after that and she goes to knock, but she sees it's open, she walks in and as she looks down her eyes widen; she sees shoes that she never seen before and belong to another woman................
Raven: "These........aren't mine, why............"
....................she hears a sound upstairs and she walks up and she heads to the bedroom her and Taiyang sleeps in and as she gets closer, she hears moaning as she slowly starts crying. She opens the door a little and what she saw broke her heart; Taiyang is having sex with another woman. Tears go down her face as she cries heavily and breathes hard................
Taiyang: "Raven? *she runs off* Wait, it's not what it looks like."
....................she bursts out the door and turns into her bird form and flies off, she flew to Vale and she sat on a roof crying her eyes out, she kept crying for hours and she sobs.....................
Raven: "He promised to *sobs* marry me and *sobs* does this to me? Fuck you Tai, I hate you."
....................then she decided to go to (Y/N) and Summer's house as she flew off, she knew if she was upset (Y/N) would always make her happy since they both are childhood friends. She heads in the direction and she never stopped until she gets there."

To be continued................

(A/N: Well, that's the end of this Prologue. If you enjoyed this let me know and with that said, see y'all next time.)

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