Chapter 2: Qrow Visiting! A Strange Feeling

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(A/N: Well, hello my fellow readers and followers. Here is chapter 2 of this story and by the title you should know what's going to happen in this chapter,

Now with that said, let the reading begin.)

Summer P.O.V

"Summer is waking up as she stretches and she looks at (Y/N) as he sleeps and she smiles as she leans to him and kisses his cheek as he still sleeps. She dresses in a robe and she goes downstairs as she starts getting breakfast ready as she does, then as she got done cooking she looks to see Raven walking in and she rubs her eyes as she looks at Summer.................
Raven: "Morning Summer."
Summer: "Morning Raven, how'd you sleep?"
Raven: "Slept good, just like a baby."
Summer: "Good. I'm glad you decided to stay."
Raven: "Hey. I didn't have anywhere to go and thanks to you and (Y/N), I have a place to stay. You two are my best friends."
Summer: "And we will be friends for a long time, not just that. You're also my teammate."
................she sees Raven smile and she smiles as well as now that the friendship between her and Raven won't be broken and then she looks to see (Y/N) walk in and she kisses him as he fixes him a cup of coffee as she places the breakfast on the table..................

Qrow P.O.V

................Qrow arrives to where (Y/N) and Summer is, as he does he turns back to normal as he walks to the house and as he does his eyes widen at seeing he house.................
Qrow: *whistles* "Damn, this house is amazing. And (Y/N) built this. Cool."
.................he walks towards the house as he goes up the stairs and he knocks on the door, he hears movement as he sees the door open to see that it's (Y/N)...................
(Y/N): "I'm glad you made it Qrow."
Qrow: "I had to, this is my sister. Now what's going on?"
(Y/N): "Come in, Raven will explain everything."
...................he walks in as he does he sees Raven and Summer in the living room and he sits down as they all do and Raven tells Qrow what happened on how she saw Tai cheating on her and he balls his hands into fists as he is angry..................
Qrow: "Unbelievable."
(Y/N): "I know, I never expected him to do that. He loved Raven and he does this?"
Qrow: "He did call me after you did. I didn't tell him that she's here, and I never will and if I do see him; oh I will make sure he will regret it."
Raven: "Well, I'm glad you came over."
Qrow: "I had to, you're my sister. I will always care for you, and (Y/N) *he looks at him* be sure she's alright now."
(Y/N): "I will Qrow. I will."

Raven P.O.V
A Week Later

...................ever since Raven started living with (Y/N) and Summer, she never regretted it and never wanted to leave for some reason. And as she did she had a feeling she felt before as she is around (Y/N), she didn't know why she is feeling what she's feeling and it didn't bother her. But, then Raven is sitting outside on a chair looking in the woods as she tries to think about the feeling she felt in her heart....................
Summer: "Hey Raven."
Raven: *looks at her* "Hey Summer."
Summer: "Whatcha doing?"
Raven: "Just thinking, something that's been on my mind."
Summer: "You still don't understand why Tai would cheat on you?"
Raven: "Yeah."
Summer: "Well, you don't have to keep thinking about that. What Tai did was his choice and he did the wrong one."
Raven: "Yeah. You're right."
.................Summer placed her hand on her shoulder and she smiles as Raven smiles back, then Summer walks back in the house, Raven had to lie so Summer wouldn't get the wrong idea. But, she still thought on her mind when she was around (Y/N) she had a feeling. Then Raven is on the roof thinking as she did and then she trips as she falls off and then she closes her eyes, but she felt like she's in an embrace as her eyes open and she looks to see (Y/N) there and he's holding her as he caught her..................
(Y/N): "Raven are you okay? Are you hurt?"
Raven: "N-No I'm f-fine, t-th-thank you."
(Y/N): "Okay good. Please, be a little more careful. Okay?"
................Raven watched as he smiled and her heart starts beating as he held her as she looks at him, then Raven gets set down as (Y/N) walks in the house as she follows. And she goes up to her room and she closes the door as she places her hand on her chest and she breathes hard...................
Raven: (C-Could I be in love with Y/N? There's no way, but my heart beats fast as I think about him or if that I'm around him. But, he's been my best friend since childhood and this is a first that I've felt this. I need to find out more.)
.................she then decides to know if what she's thinking is true, she needs to know if what she's thinking is true. Could she be in love with (Y/N), if she is. How will Summer react if she finds out her friend has a crush on her boyfriend."

To be continued...............

(A/N: Well, that's the end of this chapter. If you enjoyed this let me know and with that said, see y'all next time.)

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