Chapter 1

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Title: Flower of Life

Summary: The Flower of Life is a legend that any Apothecary worth his salt knows about. Alfyn is no exception. But he doesn't believe that it actually exists. Not until he and his companions visit a village plagued with a mysterious illness and encounters a man with a map leading to this supposed Flower of Life. Could there be a connection?

Pairings: Eventual Therion/Alfyn, but platonic fluffy goodness between the main cast also

Warnings: Will have murder, Guys in Distress, mild violence, and Original Characters, also original myths/legends, and possibly an Original location?

AN: Ok, so I don't necessarily know where this takes place in the canon storyline. Maybe after Alfyn's fourth chapter, but for the others it's kinda unknown. I kept out any possible spoilers, so I guess it doesn't really matter that much? Another note is that it doesn't exactly follow to canon 100%. In other words some artistic liberties have been taken. Look, this was written for fun for NaNoWriMo this year. Honestly all fanfiction should be written for fun, so yeah. So, sit back and enjoy~!


Chapter 1:

It was nearing midday as Alfyn and his travelling companions finally reach the main road of a small village surrounded by dense forests and bushland. They had been travelling for a couple of days now, camping out on secluded paths, taking the time to ensure that their maps were up to date.

Camping out under the stars with a campfire and good company was honestly pretty good. It was peaceful. Still, ain't nothing like a soft bed and some cold mead to end the day with.

"We'll likely stay in this village for a day or two in order to prepare for the next leg of our journey," Cyrus said as they paused in the surprisingly quiet main street of the village. "Everyone in agreement?"

"Agreed," Olberic was the first to speak but the others soon followed with their own words of agreement.

Therion snorted lightly, almost inaudibly, and folded his arms under his poncho. "Not like we have much of a choice."

"That's the spirit.," Alfyn said cheerfully as he slipped an arm around Therion's neck and tugged him toward him. "Can't have you wandering off without me."

Therion snorted again but didn't attempt to pull away from him. Good! He was starting to learn. Nah, must kidding. But it was nice that Therion didn't immediately pull away from him like he used to when they first met.

"Oh, excuse me." A feminine voice Alfyn didn't recognise suddenly spoke up. "You are an apothecary, are you not?"

Alfyn immediately dropped his arm from around Therion's shoulders and turned to look behind him, mildly aware that the others had done the same out of instinct and habit. There stood a woman, most likely in her late thirties, dressed in a long black dress with a white apron. Her hair was a light brown, done in a bun, though wavy strands framed her face.

Alfyn gave her a friendly smile and nodded his head. "That's right."

The woman returned the smile with a surprisingly excited one of her own. "Goodness, your satchel is so similar to my husbands!" she said cheerfully as she clapped her hands in front of her. "You even stand the same. My, we don't get many apothecaries here, but it is so delightful to see that you may have more than your love of healing in common."

Oh, so there was another apothecary in the village. Neat! Maybe he can get some more tips and hints for his own research.

"Shucks, I'm sure your husband is a lot more handsome than me!" Alfyn replied.

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