Chapter 5

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AN: Longer chapter today. And we're getting to the good parts :3c So I hope you enjoy reading~


Chapter 5:

The streets were just as empty as they were yesterday. And after what happened that morning, it was a little unnerving. Alfyn couldn't help but wonder if the others got the feeling that this village should more...bustling than it was. Sure, there was a toxin of some kind plaguing the village, but shouldn't more people trying to help?

Maybe he was just projecting his own beliefs...

Never mind that for now. He had other things to think about. For starters, getting through that Garden of Unease again.

They paused outside the gates of the abandoned manor, taking the time to examine the map and for Cyrus and Olberic to gaze upon the overgrown garden and statues dotted throughout the thorny vines and long-forgotten roses.

"So, this is the Garden of Unease," Cyrus murmured. "Strange that such a place is here."

"You encountered bones here, yes?" It was pretty obvious that Olberic wasn't as entranced with the place as Cyrus was.

"Yep," Alfyn replied. "About six of them, I think. Or was that eight?"

"Tch, hope we don't encounter any today. So not in the mood for them," Therion commented dryly, causing Alfyn to chuckle lightly, sympathising with him completely.

"Well, according to this map we'll need to find that water feature again. And then it's west from there," Alfyn explained as he rolled up the parchment and placed it back into his satchel.

He then grabbed onto his axe while Olberic took hold of his sword. With the two of them, they should be able to hack and slash their way through the vines and thorns much easier.

It still took them a good few minutes to make their way through the dense, overgrown garden, though. And as they stepped out into the clearing that held the disused water feature, Alfyn only breathed a small sigh of relief.

...Huh...There appeared to be less statues that there were yesterday? Of course, he wasn't keeping count, so he wasn't completely sure. It just felt less.

Nah, he was just creeping himself out. Still on high alert after what happened that morning.

Anyway, if he remembered correctly, they had to now head west. Where another seemingly impenetrable wall of thorns and vines awaited them. So, he simply readjusted his grip on his axe and lead Olberic toward the natural formation.

After another few minutes of hacking and slashing, dotted with the occasional cuss word as thorns hitched onto their clothing, they came out through to the other side.

Thankfully, as they pushed through the last of the thorny vines and bushes, they stepped onto a long-forgotten path with foliage similar to those that surround the village. Tall trees, thick shrubbery, and the occasional mossy stone or two. The canopy was near impenetrable, allowing only the scantest of light to filter through.

And the best part? No deranged statues!

They once again paused to regain their bearings and Alfyn pulled out the map once more. "Apparently there is a hidden path north of here. Hidden behind a natural formation of green?"

"Probably a large boulder covered in moss that we'll no doubt have to push aside or climb over," Therion mumbled as he idly pulled the leaves and twigs from his clothing.

Alfyn chuckled as he rolled up the map and placed it back into his bag once more. "Sounds about right."

"Well, after a quick cautionary glance, I believe that could be the structure the map is alluding to," Cyrus suddenly said.

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