Chapter 6

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Chapter 6:

Primrose couldn't help but feel uneasy as she and Ophilia entered the orphanage. The event that had occurred just an hour or so ago was likely the reason why. Yet, she felt a slight sense of trepidation form in her chest when the large wooden doors shut loudly behind them.

"Welcome!" Beatrice promptly greeted them. She had been expecting them, obviously.

And she appeared completely unaware of what had occurred at the inn.

"I am grateful for your return," Beatrice said warmly as she took Ophilia's hands in hers. "The children have taken quite the liken to you!" She turned to give Primrose a welcoming smile also, however her enthusiasm dimmed ever so slightly as she glanced over Primrose's shoulder. "Oh, where's sweet Alfyn?"

"Alfyn sends his apologies, but he was needed elsewhere," Ophilia explained as she delicately pulled her hands back. "We unfortunate event at the inn this morning."

A flicker of concern appeared in Beatrice's eyes. "My, what happened?"

Primrose decided it would be best to be as straightforward as possible. "Someone was killed in their room this morning."

Beatrice released a startled gasp. She covered her mouth with her hand for a moment before dropping it to her chest to clutch at the top button of her blouse. "What? Oh, by the gods, that's terrible! you happen to know who it was? Who committed such a terrible thing?"

"No, I'm afraid we don't," Primrose replied and gave her a reassuring look. "But we are looking into it."

Beatrice didn't look fully reassured, as to be expected. "So, they're...still out there then. My word..."

She fell silent after that. She continued to clutch at her blouse as her eyes suddenly flickered toward the roof. Clearly contemplating something. She chewed on her lip before uttering a sigh.

"Please excuse me, I must speak with my husband."

"Of course," Primrose immediately returned and earned a small smile in return.

Hitching up her skirt slightly, Beatrice turned away from them and hurried to the door at the back of the orphanage. Primrose waited until Beatrice was completely out of sight before she allowed a frown to appear on her lips.

That short conversation sounded completely normal, and her reaction to the news also appeared sincere. But she couldn't help but be hung up on the word 'appeared'. She looked the part a little too well. She couldn't quite explain it, but something felt so...wrong about that woman.

She tried to push it to the back of her mind, however, as she and Ophilia set to the task of looking after and entertaining the children.

And yet, that brought a fresh wave of unease.

The children were acting far differently than they were yesterday. Before Alfyn gave them the salve to cure their fevers, they were fussy and restless. After the salve, they were still rather fussy, but not as restless. Energetic, perhaps.

But now...they were lifeless.

Beatrice didn't say anything about their conditions deteriorating overnight. She didn't appear concerned at all. Their previous conversation was brief, true. But surely, she would have said something?

Primrose did not like their situation one little bit.

Taking Ophilia by the elbow, Primrose pulled her aside, away from the children. "Do these children feel...strange to you?" she asked her softly.

"Strange?" Ophilia gave her a puzzled look. She glanced over at the children before turning back. "You mean...besides the illness they all share?"

"They..." Primrose paused for a moment to try to find the right words. "They don't act like independent children."

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