Chapter 4

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AN: Well, I'm officially done with Nanowrimo this year. Managed just over 40k, which is far more than I had anticipated for myself. There's only a bit of editing to be done, but this story is essentially done. So I'll start updating regularly now. Anyway, hope you enjoy reading~

Warning: There's a murder scene and mention of blood


Chapter 4:

Alfyn was still in a state of shock of what had seemingly just occurred when Olberic and H'annit returned to the inn. Their expressions were professionally stoic, but it was easy to get the sense they were not the slightest bit happy.

"Thither appeareth to beest no one of note outside," H'annit explained, Linde at her feet, also looking rather agitated and restless. "Could those who art responsible has't escaped another way?"

Cyrus took a moment to cast a cautionary glance around them before he sighed. "Well, the windows and the back exit are also possible."

"They'd be long gone now," Therion piped up from where he stood near Alfyn, back against the wall, arms folded over his chest. "It's possible they've even fled the village."

After doing something so heinous? Yeah, made a lot of sense really.

"True," Cyrus conceded. "All that we can do for now is perhaps learn of the motive behind this act."

"I will assist Cyrus with his investigation," Olberic immediately offered, no doubt eager to be of help somehow.

H'annit nodded her headed before she patted her thigh, prompting Linde to stand up beside her. "Then I wilt beest sure to keepeth an eye out for anything suspicious."

"Yes, please do. Let us know of anything that comes up," Cyrus requested with a tone of gratitude.

"Of course," H'annit replied simply before she disappeared outside.

With Primrose, Ophilia, and Tressa comforting the housemaid, it was left to the four guys of the group to inspect the murder scene.

Definitely not something Alfyn was looking forward to.

Alfyn stayed outside the room with Therion as Cyrus and Olberic inspected the room for anything of note. And there was a lot to inspect. The room was a mess. Alfyn was certain it didn't look like that last night. So that meant...

"The room appears to have been ransacked," Olberic commented, virtually taking the words right out of Alfyn's head.

"So, the murderer was looking for something," Cyrus quickly deduced. "But were they interrupted and killed the victim in a panic? Or was the victim murdered first and then the room searched?"

That was certainly a good question.

After they looked everywhere they could, next came the unfortunate task of...removing the murder weapon and lying the victim on the floor for inspection. Alfyn had to pinch his eyes shut when Olberic reached for the sword, and the squishy, wet sound of steel moving through flesh followed.

Alfyn wasn't sure if he would ever get used to that sound.

When he opened his eyes again, the poor guy had been finally removed from the wall and carefully placed onto the floor. The guys eyes were frozen open, though completely void of any life. Just the lingering feeling of utter terror.

Cyrus took a moment to look over the body grimly before he turned his head to give Alfyn a sympathetic and apologetic look. "I'm sorry, Alfyn, but could you...?"

Yeah, it would make sense that he be the one to inspect the body. He would know a little a more about the human body than the others.

"I prefer to work with the living, but I guess I could give him the once over," Alfyn replied with a tight smile before he added. "For you."

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