Chapter 3 - the first training

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Lauren's POV
Today was our first taining. I woke up by the Jayden's alarm.
"Wake up girls!", I said.
"Five more minutes.", Annie said in a sleepy tone.
"Why do we need to get up that early?", Kenzie asked.
"Because we have training today.", Jayden responsed.
Kenzie and Annie both jumped out of the bed. We went to our closet and I wore black leggings and Johnny's blue T-shirt. If you would know how much I miss him. I put my hair into a bun. The others wore black leggings too, Annie wore a pink T-shirt, Jayden a yellow one and Kenzie a purple one. Annie and Kenz had their hair as a ponytail, Jayden had a bun too. We went downstaurs to Ms. Cole's office.
"Good morning girls!", she greeted us.
"Good morning Ms. Coles", we said.
"If you want, breakfast is upstairs. First floor third door right", she said.
We went to where Ms. Cole rold us to. There was a big dining table. There were eggs, bread, milk, orange juice, cookies, even muffins! We ate breakfast and said thank you and bye to the cookers. They gave us five water bottles and said:"Good luck with your training!"
The people there were nice. But I felt like we are the only ones that really live here. Maybe there are coming more people in the future. We went downstairs and saw Ms. Cole waiting for us.
"There you are! Follow me to the training room!", she said. We followed her to the end of the hallway and enteres one giant room. "Here is the training room. But we won't use this. You have five powers and you need to train together. The room coould get desteoyed because you don't know how to control your powers. We will train outside. Don't worry, there will be no people.", Ms. Cole said. We went outside and it was cold, but nobody of us did mind. The garden was really big. It was as big as a small city. And it is really big for a GARDEN. I actually didn't believe that this was a garden. We went to the other end of the garden which surprisingly didn't take long. There was a mountain.
"What are we going to do?", Jayden asked.
Ms. Cole just went to some high grass and flowers. We couldn't see her but we followed the noise she made. When we stopped, we saw waterfalls, bridges trees and everything someone could ever see. It was beautiful.
"Here is the place where we come to think. In the middle is a stone. You need to go down of course. When you touch the stone, you come to heaven. Only for a night. You can speak to the people there, but only if you really need to. But we will train outside.", she said.
We went to the middle of the garden and Ms. Cole came to me. "Lauren, run as fastest you can to the building, to the mountain and back to us. I ran as fastest as I can and I surprised the girls and even me. I didn't know I can run that fast. I was by the building after 15 seconds. After more 30 seconds I reached the mountain and after 15 seconds I stopped by the girls and Ms. Cole. It only took me one minute.
"As you can see, powers you have you just have when you feel them. Sometimes you don't realize you feel them. Lauren didn't realize she felt it but she did. That's why she ran so fast without training.", Ms. Cole explained. "Kenzie, jump as high as you can, Annie, think that you are invisible and Jayden, think that you are in heaven."
I saw Kenzie jumping and by the third time she jumped, she flew. Jayden dissapeared and Annie slowly got invisible. "Omg! I'm invisible!", I heard Annie squeeling.
Then Jayden came back. "You should see hiw beatiful heaven is!", she said.
"Now to the other powers you have. Kenzie, come back down here and go through me. Jayden, here are two cats, tell me if they are meant for each other. Annie, here is a dead mouse, make it alive again. Lauren, tell me what Jayden's answer will be.", Ms. Cole said.
I closed my eyes and saw what will happen next. I was looking for Jayden's answer and I found it. I whispered ro Ms. Cole:"Her answer will be a yes"
Right when I said that Kenzie came through Ms. Cole's body and went through mine. I looked at Kenzie and we started laughing.
"I think they are meant for each other", Jayden said.
And then I heard a weak noise. I looked at Annie and the dead mouse was alive! "Good job girls!", Ms. Cole said. "Now Annie, you focuse on what what the people in the kitchen are cooking and tell me what it is and if there are any people near us. Kenzie you tell us if there any people near us. Lauren, you change into another girl and Jayden, you try to make ice."
Annie focused on her sins and licked her lips. She must've smelled the food they are cooking. Kenzie looked shooked. And Annie then did too. Jayden stepped once and with that step she made ice. I decided to have a darker hair colour. I made brown eyes but then I decided to take blue eyes.
"There are people near us!", Annie and Kenzie said in a choir.
"How do they look like Annie?", Ms. Cole asked.
"It is a man and a woman. The woman has long brown hair. It's curled. She has earrings on and long acrylic nails. She wears a red top and a brown scarf and a black skirt. The man has black hair and an expensive watch. He wears black pants and a red and white shirt.", Annie said.
"Don't worry. It's my brother and his wife. Mr. Cole and Mrs. Cole", Ms. Cole said.
"What should we do next?", I asked.
"You have wind and seeing how strong people are. I have the power. At the end I will ask you how strong you are and if you have the same answer that I would give, you can do it. Jayden, you have water and cold. Kenzie, you have fire and warm. Annie, you have nature and animal. Can you try do it yourself?", Ms. Cole said.
"Yeah, sure", Annie answered.
"And today you will meet the fifth person. She had training yesterday. You know her and she knows you, but you girls don't know it's you. She will share a room with one of you. She will decide", Ms. Cole told us.
Jayden tried to make it cold. And she succeed. Then Kenzie made it warmer. I made wind. And then little tornados. And then I stopped to let Annie try. Annie made root come out of the ground. And then she made ut normal. She then turned into a dog and turned to herself again. "I think I can do it", she said.
Jayden asked Annie to do a little whole on the ground. She filled the whole with water and made a lake. Kenzie opened her hands and we saw fire. I then tried to see how strong they are. But they can do more than what I just saw.
"Ms. Cole. Am I doing something wrong...?", I asked.
"No, Lauren. I thought you have only five powers. Every other person has only two powers and when they train they get a second power. I thought you learned fast and that's why you can already use the five powers. But you already had them. You earned one more power. That's why you see more in them Lauren. You were doing everything right", she said.
"And what is our power?", Kenzie asked.
"Wait!", Ms. Cole said. She grabbed her phone and called someone. "Is she there? When is she gonna be finished? Okay. Tell her to come here. Then walk her. I need her now. That's the point. They are not meeting this afternoon. I want them to meet now. They earned a sixth power and I think she did too. They need to train together from now on. Okay. Thank you. Bye", Ms. Cole said in the phone.
A munite later a little girl came. She hid her face. She reminded me on Hayley. Wait. Isn't she Hayley? We all know her and she is much younger than us. 4 year difference.
"Hayley?", Annie said.
Hayley looked up and her face lightend up when she saw us. "You are here! You have a sixth power?", she asked.
"Lauren, please say what powers the girls have", Ms. Cole said.
"Annie, Hayley and Kenzie can heal. And Jayden can bring things from another building to us. For example she can get a blanket from one of our rooms to us. Well, to her hands.", I said.
"You have the same power as Jayden", Ms. Cole told me. "You are gonna train on Monday mornings, on Tuesday after lunch, on Wednesday afternoon, on Thursday after lunch, on Friday mornings, on Saturday mornings and on Sunday afternoon. Annie, you will share your room with your sister. Do school on Monday afternoon, Tuesday mornings, Wednesday mornings, Thursday mornings, Friday afternoon, Saturday afternoon and Sunday mornings"
"Okay", we all said.

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