Annie, Kenzie, Jayden and Lauren are best friends. One night when they walked from school home together, they got kidnapped. But there is a reason why they got kidnapped. Some people selected them for something. They need to give up friends, but wha...
Lauren's POV Annie andnI went back tobthe guys and they still stood there. Annie and I said:"Can you drive us back ir at least go to dinner with us?" They still stood there staring at the monster. Annie put her hand on Hayden's shoulder and stood next to Connor. Hayden looked shook but relaxed when he saw thaz it was Annie. I put my hand on Carson's and Johnny's shoulder. They looked at me and I smiled at them. They followed us to the car and saw the girls playing 'rock paper scissors' I shoved Kenzie and Jayden in the back row with Connor. Hayley sat on Annie's lap sleeping in the middle row with Hayden next to her and then Carson. Johnny drove and I was in the front. We drove home and went straight to our room. We went to the closet and changed. When I heard a knock coming from my room. "Wait!", I said. I was in underwear so I grabbed an oversized T-shirt from Johnny and went to my room. I saw the boys standing there. "Hey, can we talk?", Johnny said. "I need to change first", I said. "But..", he said confused. "I was in my underwear and threw this over me", I said. He nodded and I went to the closet again. Everyone was dressed already. (1.Annie 2.Kenzie 3.Hayley 4.Jayden 5.Lauren)
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Hayley turned some music on and Annie got the bean bag from her room. Jayden and Kenzie grabbed some pillows and they were enjoying their time there in the closet. The music was loud so I decided to talk outside, but the guys already came in. "Hey! They are my Doritos!", Annie shouted and threw a pillow at Jayden. Jayden threw a pillow at Annie and then another one but it came to Hayley who was finishing her muffin. "I am eating!", she said and out the rest of her muffin in her mouth and threw a pillow at Jayden. Annie threw a pillow at Kenzie and they started a pillow fight. It got me in too and the boys were just standing there watching us. When Annie threw a pillow at them on purpose. "You are so boring!", she said and threw another pillow at them. "Are we?", Hayden said and sprinted to Annie and picked her up. He tickled Annie and threw a pillow at me. This time I threw the pillow at the boys and they played with us. We laughed and had so kuch fun. We stopped and went to the dining room. "How did you make us the old?", I asked Annie. "Just try it", she said. After dinner we went to the guys room. We stayed there til midnight. The girls and I were tired when Carson offered us to stay. They gave us some hoodies and T-shirts. I had Johnny's T-shirt and Carson's hoodie. Annie had Carson's T-shirt and Hayden's hoodie. Hayley had everything from Carson. Jayden had everything from Connor. Our hoodies went to our knees, except for Hayley. It went down to her feet. It looked so cute on her. The guys were on the bed playing fortnite or something like that and we were on the ground almost asleep. I saw Connor carrying Jayden to bed. Johnny carrying Kenzie to bed. Carson carrying Hayley to bed and then him helping Hayden carrying Annie to bed. As I felt two people carrying me I fell asleep.