How you meet

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Perrie: it was a hot day and you decided to stop off at a little cafe and get something to drink. You entered the cafe which was surprisingly quiet, looking around you saw that there were only 4 other girls there. You ordered an iced coffee and decided to sit down for a few moments to cool off before you would continue on about your day. Out of the corner of your eye you saw one of the 4 girls getting up and coming your way. She sat down across from you and you felt your heart skip a few beats. She was stunning. She had blonde hair and beautiful blue eyes and one of the prettiest smiles you'd ever seen. "Hi I'm Perrie!" You sat there for a few seconds trying to get the words out but they kept getting caught in your throat. You cleared your throat and smiled back at her "y/n." "Thats a beautiful name! It's nice to meet you y/n. Do you wanna come join me and my friends over there? Get to know each other a bit?" You nodded your head and stood up and walked to the table with Perrie where Jade, Jesy, and Leigh were sitting. Little did you know what fate had in store for you and Perrie.

Jesy: you were out with a few of your friends. You had wanted to have a day out so your friends suggested shopping and food. It was lunchtime and your friends spotted a McDonald's, you practically ran there as you were so hungry. When you guys ordered your food and sat down to eat you noticed a couple girls at a table nearby. They were staring at you and whispering things back and forth. You began feeling slightly insecure and focused on your friends and your food when you noticed one of the girls getting up and walking towards you. When she got to your table you weren't quite sure what she was gonna say but you definitely didn't expect her to say what she did. "Hey I'm Jade! My friend Jesy over there likes you and she's too nervous to approach you so I'm doing it for her." You smiled to yourself and bit your lip as you looked at Jesy, waving to her and that's when you noticed how incredibly beautiful she was. "Would you two like to come join us?" You asked Jade while you looked at Jesy who was nervously tucking her hair behind her ear. She nodded her head and ran back to Jesy, grabbing her by the hand and sitting her down next to you. "Hey Jesy. I'm y/n. I heard you like me, I like you too!" You giggled as she smiled widely, starting a conversation about how beautiful you were and how intimidated she felt by you as Jade and your friends watched on with smiles on their faces. They knew right away that something incredible was happening right before their eyes.

Jade: the day had finally arrived! Today you were meeting your favorite band and your role models Little Mix! You were so excited! You had won meet and greet tickets from a radio station and practically sobbed when they told you you were the winner, and now the moment you'd been waiting for was here. You admired all the girls but you definitely had a favorite- Jade. You had always admired her kindness and loyalty, her outer beauty definitely wasn't the first thing you noticed. You were sitting in a little area waiting for the girls to come in and you were so nervous! All of a sudden you heard a laugh you'd recognize anywhere. It was Jade and you saw her walk in with the other girls behind her. They were all smiling and you put your hand over your mouth in shock. Finally! You'd dreamed of this moment for so long and it was finally happening! The girls made their way towards you and sat down across from you. They began to introduce themselves when you spoke up and said "I know who you are!" Causing them to laugh. But one thing you'd noticed was that Jade hadn't stopped staring at you from the moment she first saw you. "I'm y/n! You girls are my role models. Thank you for letting me have an opportunity like this!" They smiled and started making small talk with you when Jade suddenly spoke up, interrupting Leigh mid sentence. "So y/n are you single?" You giggled and nodded your head. "Yep extremely single. Haven't been on a date in a long time." "What? No way! A beautiful girl like you not going on dates? I find that hard to believe." Jade said while continuing to stare at you. You shook your head and laughed at her words. "Well believe it." "Well I'd like to change that! Maybe one day we could go out?" Jade asked you and you felt like your jaw was gonna hit the floor. "Yeah. Yeah I'd really like that!" "Awesome! Heres my number. I'll call you later and we'll work something out?" "Or you could just work something out now. Jade she's sitting right there and we still have a meet and greet to finish with her. We can't just spend 5 minutes and walk away when she's the only person in here, we have a meet and greet with her for a reason." Jesy said as the girls looked between you and her, all of you guys laughing hard at what Jesy had said. That night was one of the best nights of your life for sure!

Leigh-Anne: you were sitting in a coffee shop writing a paper for your college course and listening to Vance Joy. You were so focused that you didn't see a group of girls walk in, a few fans outside screaming their names excitedly. The girls got in line to order some drinks as you continued to focus on your paper while drinking your coffee which had started to get cold. You decided to get up and get a new one, hesitantly leaving your laptop and belongings behind as you got in line to order a new coffee. You pulled out your phone to check the time when you felt someone bump your side. "Oh I'm so sorry!" "It's alright. No harm done." "I'm Leigh-Anne. What's your name?" "y/n." "Thats a beautiful name for a beautiful girl." "Leigh-Anne. Come on, I got your coffee for you!" "Yeah thanks Jade. I'll join you all in a minute! Sorry those were my friends, um anyways... you're pretty." "Oh thanks." You blushed and put a few loose strands of your hair behind your ear. "You're pretty too. I like your smile." "Thanks! Would you maybe wanna join me and my friends?" "Oh I don't wanna intrude." "No you could never. Please join us? I really wanna get to know you more!" You thought about it for a few seconds before nodding your head. "I have to order another coffee first though. My other one is cold. I also have to finish writing a paper for my college course so I might have to head out soon but yeah, I'd love to get to know you more too." "Okay pretty girl. We'll be waiting for you over there!" You smiled and walked up to order your coffee, silently praying that they would go faster so you could join Leigh-Anne and her friends quickly.

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