waking up

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Perrie: You awoke to the sound of birds chirping and the feeling of an arm draped across your side. You opened your eyes and saw your beautiful girlfriend asleep next to you.

After being apart for five months Perrie was finally home. She got in really late last night and that along with the hectic schedule she's had for five months made her feel completely exhausted. You stayed in the same position for a few moments just watching her breathe, admiring the way her eyelashes would flutter against her cheeks every now and then, how her hair was fanned across the pillow and how her lips were parted just enough to let small snores slip passed them.

You kissed her cheek a few times and ran your fingers through her beautiful blonde hair before you moved her arm from your side and sat up in bed. You swung your legs over the edge and got ready to go downstairs to make her some breakfast when her arm wrapped around your waist and tugged you back down on the mattress.

Perrie still had her eyes closed but she was awake, barely. "Where do you think you're goin'?" You giggled and rubbed her upper back in circles. "Gonna go make us some breakfast. Figured you might like some after being away for so long." Perrie smiled sleepily but pulled you a little closer, her grip on you tightening just a little. "Breakfast sounds lovely, but not right now. In a little while, maybe. But for now I just wanna hold you and keep you close."

She put her head on her shoulder and her lips right on your collarbone, her breath tickling your skin as her lips lightly brushed your collarbone. "Ten minutes." "Fifteen." You sighed but agreed. "Fine. Fifteen minutes then i'm getting up to make you some breakfast." Perrie nodded and fell back asleep, but when the fifteen minutes rolled around you were asleep too. Breakfast could wait as long as you wanted it to, right now you just wanted to hold each other and you didn't wanna let go anytime soon.


Jesy: Your eyes fluttered open, expecting to be met with sunshine but instead saw darkness. All it took was one look through the window across from you to find that it was cloudy and rainy, the sun hiding for today.

You rolled over and saw that Jesy wasn't in bed next to you. You sat up and looked around the room, a little panicky until you called her name and she poked her head out from the bathroom. She smiled at you as toothpaste dribbled down her chin. She went back inside and you heard water running and she came out just a minute later. "Hey sleeping beauty. You alright?" She asked as she sat down on the bed next to you. You nodded and moved onto her lap, smiling against the skin of her neck as she wrapped her arms around your back.

"Yeah. Just didn't know where you were, that's all." She lifted your head up and pressed a sweet kiss to your lips. "You sleep well?" She mumbled as she kissed your hair. "Slept great. Always do when you're next to me." Jesy smiled and laid back on the pillows, rubbing circles on your back as she peppered kisses to your temple. "Can we stay in bed today? It's rainy and I just wanna cuddle." Jesy looked down at you to find your eyes closed, already knowing you're falling back asleep so she didn't have any choice but to say yes.

"Of course we can. There's nowhere else i'd rather be than with you anyways."


Jade: You awoke to the feeling of a pair of lips dragging across your forehead. You opened your eyes and giggled as Jade kissed across your face. "Hi cutie." She said as she kissed you lovingly, your arms snaking around her neck as you hummed against her lips. "Good morning Jade." Jade laughed and you arched your brow which caused her to giggle.

"Baby it's almost two in the afternoon." You groaned and dragged your hand across your face. Jade took it in hers along with your other one and interlocked your fingers together, her forehead resting on yours and her breath fanning over your lips. "It's alright y/n, you needed to catch up on sleep anyways."

You know she's right. Your boss has been making you work a lot of overtime lately which meant that for the past week or so you haven't gotten home till close to midnight, only to wake back up at six am and it's a bit of a drive to get to your job which means you have to wake up even earlier. You most definitely needed to catch up on sleep. "How long have you been awake?" She ran her thumb along your hand and shrugged. "A couple hours." You sighed and she kissed your lips a few times. "I'm sorry I woke up so late. You didn't have to wait for me to get up, you coulda woken me."

She shook her head and buried her face in your neck. "And miss the sight of you looking so relaxed? So peaceful and calm? I don't think so, my baby. Besides, I don't mind at all. Like I said, you really needed that extra sleep, you and I both know that." You nodded your head, your eyes drooping as she kissed your jaw. "Want some lunch?" She asked as she continued to kiss a trail along your jaw and along your neck. "In a bit. I just wanna lay here with you for a while first." Jade nodded her head and rested it in the crook of your neck. "We can stay like this for as long as you'd like to, baby. No rush at all."


Leigh-Anne: You stretched out your legs and rolled on your back, looking next to you to see Leigh-Anne still sleeping. You smiled and ran your thumb on her cheekbone, a smile tugging at her lips as she laid there with her eyes closed but clearly awake. "That tickles." She giggled and you started to do the same.

You put your head on her shoulder and looked up at her as she slowly opened her brown eyes that always made your heart skip a beat. "I'm so lucky." She mumbled as she pulled you on top of her. You hummed and put your forehead on her chest. "Yeah?" She nodded, her fingers moving to your back as she started to trace shapes on your soft skin. "Oh yeah. I get to wake up next to you every day." You laughed and shook your head.

"Sure because my morning breath and bed head hair is quite the sight." You chuckled as you grabbed her hand, your fingers locking with hers as you gave them a light squeeze. "Hey" she whispered making you look at her. "You're beautiful. Morning breath, messy hair, your favorite pajamas, and all. You'll always be beautiful to me, no matter what." She gave your lips a light kiss before quickly sitting up and picking you up as she got out of bed. "Let's go make breakfast!" She said excitedly as she carried you down the stairs carefully.

Mornings with her are the best.

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