You can't sleep

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Perrie: no matter how much you tried you just felt like you couldn't get comfortable. You tossed and turned for hours, just hoping for an hour or two of sleep but your mind wouldn't stop racing and you didn't know what to do. You turned on your bedside light and reached for your phone, dialing Perrie's number and holding the phone against your ear. You heard Perrie's sleep voice on the other end, little yawns and whines escaping her lips. "Y/N? Why are you calling me at 2:30 in the morning?" "I can't sleep. I'm sorry for waking you up." "No it's alright. Do you want me to come over?" "No, that's okay. I just needed to hear your voice. Can you sing me back to sleep?" You heard her giggle which made you smile, your heart skipping a couple beats at the infectious sound. "Of course, honey. Lay back and close your eyes." You turned the light off, putting your phone on speaker as you laid your head against your soft pillow and closed your eyes. "You and I and nobody else, feeling feelings I never felt. The way you got me under your spell. Don't you keep it all to yourself." She continued to sing softly until she heard your small snores making her smile. She whispered out a soft 'goodnight' before hanging up, ready to go back to sleep herself.

Jesy: she had just left to go on tour and you already missed her so much. It was your first night apart in eight months and her side of the bed was cold and empty without her. You hugged your knees close to your chest, sighing as you looked at her empty side of the bed once again. You grabbed one of her pillows and hugged it close to you, breathing in the smell of your favorite perfume of hers that was on the pillow. Your eyes closed as you laid against your pillows but an hour passed by of you tossing and turning. You needed to hear her voice, that's the only thing that was gonna help you sleep. You reached for your phone and dialed her number, aware that due to the time difference it was actually morning for her where little mix were currently performing. "Hey sweetheart." Her sweet and soft voice greeted you, happiness evident in her voice and it made you smile despite how frustrated you were. "Jesy?" "Babe? Hey what's up? Isn't it like almost four in the morning at home?" "Yeah. I couldn't sleep. I miss you a lot and I really wanted to hear your voice." "Oh y/n. I miss you too, so so much. Why don't you lay back and get all comfy and we'll just talk for a little while, okay?" "Okay." You laid back and got yourself all comfortable before sighing sadly, the distance already taking its toll on you. "Tell me about where you're touring tonight?" She began telling you about all the different things they were incorporating into this show and all the songs they were performing. The sound of her voice lulled you to sleep, allowing you to feel more relaxed and calm. "I knew it would work. Goodnight y/n. I love you and miss you so much. I'll talk to you tonight baby."

Jade: your sock covered feet hit the kitchen tiles as you paced around, desperate for any amount of sleep you could get. Jade was upstairs sleeping like a rock, the sun was starting to rise and you were losing hope that you'd get any sleep at all tonight. You whined as sun rose more and more, your head buried in your hands as you felt hopeless. "Y/N?" You heard jades soft voice in the kitchen startling you, making you turn around and your heart ache when you saw how sleepy she looked. "What are you doing up, Jade?" "I could ask you the same question y/n. Why aren't you in bed?" "I can't sleep?" "You haven't slept at all?" You shook your head and rugged at your hair. Jade walked over to you and pulled you in her arms, rubbing your back softly before leading you to the living room. "Let's watch some tv, hm?" You nodded your head and rested it on her shoulder as she flipped through the tv channels. Once she saw that friends reruns were on she sat the remote down and ran her fingers through your hair making you close your eyes and sigh in contentment. The noise of the tv slowly began to fade out, sleep beginning to take over you. "Goodnight angel. Love you." She kissed your head before she relaxed and fell back asleep herself, all the while, holding you in her arms.

Leigh-Anne: you couldn't stop stressing about your project at work tomorrow, making you feel restless. You looked at Leigh-Anne who was sleeping soundly next to you, her eyes closed and her lips slightly parted as small snores left her lips. You rolled over onto your side, your back facing your girlfriend, and you jumped when you felt her hand on your back. "y/n? Are you okay?" "Yeah. I just can't sleep. I'm sorry for waking you." "It's okay. C'mere." She pulled you into her arms and rubbed your back softly. "Is everything okay? Something on your mind?" "Just that project at work tomorrow. It's stressing me out." "You'll do great baby, I know you will. Close your eyes babe, you need rest." She kissed your shoulder and you sighed before closing your eyes, the feeling of her hand rubbing your back and her soft voice singing 'nothing feels like you' under her breath comforted you enough to let your eyes skip shut and your brain calm down. Before you knew it, you were sound asleep as Leigh smiled to herself, loving the fact that she was able to calm you down enough to help you get the sleep you deserve.

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