one of the other girls has a crush on you (requested)

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Perrie (Jesy has a crush on you)

The girls just finished a show a couple hours ago. It was one of those nights when they felt tired from performing, but were also so hyped up from adrenaline and they didn't wanna sleep.

Perrie suggested watching a movie. She kept you close to her side, leaning down occasionally to brush your lips with hers.

But every second of it was too much for Jesy. She hated that she had to sit back and watch you be so in love with one another, when she's in love with you.

It started the moment she met you, when Perrie introduced you to the girls. She feels an unwavering amount of guilt for feeling the way she feels about you everyday. You're with her best friend and she knows she should be happy for you both, but she loves you and it's hard to know that you'll never be hers.

It was when Perrie kissed you again, this time the kiss lasted longer and she could sense just how in love and happy you both are. She felt like she was suffocating, like all the air in the room had disappeared. She cleared her throat and stood up. "Jesy? Where you goin'?" Jade asked her. She noticed you were all looking at her, and it took everything in her not to stare at you.

"I'm just gonna go to bed. I'm getting tired and we have another show tomorrow so i'm just gonna go to sleep." She explained trying to keep her tears at bay. "Okay. Night." Leigh-Anne said before you all turned your attention back to the tv.

As soon as she reached her bunk her tears fell. She grabbed her pillow and held it to her chest, trying to muffle the sound of her heartbreaking sobs. She loved you. So much. But she knew, deep down, that it was time to let go of the thought that you'd ever feel the same. She knew it was time to move on, and that tore her apart, because she never wanted to stop loving you.


Jesy (Leigh-Anne has a crush on you)

The door slammed shut as Jesy stormed inside your shared apartment. It startled you so much that you dropped your spatula on the ground.

Jesy came into the kitchen. She was clearly angry, seething and looking as though her blood was boiling. "Jes? You okay?" She looked up at you and stood there in silence for a moment before striding over to you and pulling you in for a hug. "I love you, okay? You're mine, all mine, and i'm so fucking lucky to have you." You chuckled nervously but nodded your head anyways.

"Baby are you okay? Did something happen in the studio today?" Jesy sighed and looked down at the floor but you tilted her chin up and when your eyes caught hers you saw how glossy they looked. "Don't cry, pretty girl." You leaned your head on her shoulder and listened to her sniffle.

"Did you know Leigh-Anne has a crush on you?" You lifted your head from her shoulder and frowned. "What? Wait, is that why you're so upset?" Jesy huffed and closed her eyes before opening them again a moment later. She cupped your cheeks in her hands, her thumb lightly brushing along your cheek as she stared seriously into your eyes. "Yeah. She let it slip today. Said something about your recent instagram post."

"Babe, I know you're upset with her, but she's your best friend. Don't let this get to you and don't let it tear you apart. I'm sure she didn't mean much by it." You captured her lips in a kiss, letting your hands fall to her lower back as hers remained on your cheeks. "I guess you're right." You kissed her cheek and smiled when she said that. "Good. Besides, you're the only one I want. I love you and no one or nothing could or would ever change that."

You giggled, pulling her in for another kiss and jumping when you felt her hand slide down a bit to right above your bum. "I'm so lucky" she muttered making you smile.


Jade (Perrie has a crush on you)

Perrie nervously approached you when Jade got up to go use the bathroom. She sat down next to you and flashed you a nervous smile. You smiled back at her and she had to try to control the fast beat of her heart.

"Um, y/n, can we talk?" You nodded your head and locked your phone so she could have your full attention. "Of course. What's up Perrie?" She felt her hands start to shake and she almost felt like she might be sick from how nervous she felt.

"This is hard for me to say, because I know you're dating Jade and all, but I can't keep this to myself anymore." She paused, but she couldn't look at you because she was scared of how you might be looking at her. "I like you... like, really like you." She heard you take a sharp breath and she felt her sink deep down in her chest. "But... i'm with Jade."

Perrie nodded her head, tears blurring her vision as her mind started to race. "I know, and I didn't tell you this sooner because I was afraid it might ruin things for us. But it's so hard to keep it to myself, to hold it all inside. I'm sorry." She muttered, a tear leaking from the corner of her eye.

Things were uncomfortably silent for a moment before you spoke up. "I'm flattered, I am. But I love Jade and she's the one i'm committed to. I'm sorry." Perrie sniffled and chuckled. "Yeah, no I totally get it. Like I said, I just wanted to tell you so I could get it all off my chest." She stood up and ran out of the room. She didn't turn back,even though you begged her to.


Leigh-Anne (Jade has a crush on you)

Jade had to bite her lip in order to hold back her tears when the girls came off stage and you instantly greeted Leigh-Anne with a kiss. You both giggled as she spun you around before putting you back on your feet.

"You killed it tonight. You all did." All the girls except Jade said thank you. She had to leave the room, your display of affection with Leigh-Anne too much for her fragile heart to handle. Jade was pacing the backstage area, sudden guilt eating her up inside. She's had a huge crush on you for a while now and she's never told anyone about it, but tonight it was as though it was all eating her alive.

She stepped back into the room and tapped Leigh-Anne on her shoulder. "Leigh? Can we talk for a minute?" Leigh-Anne smiled and took her hand to lead her to a different room. "What's up? You alright?" Jade shook her head and began pacing again. "I have something to tell you. I've felt this way for a while now but I don't wanna keep it from you anymore. What i'm about to say could really change our friendship and I-" Leigh-Anne put her hand on Jade's shoulder to stop her rambling. "Jade, come on, just tell me. You can tell me anything."

Jade took a deep breath before looking back at Leigh-Anne. "I like y/n." Leigh-Anne bit her lip and chuckled. "Um, yeah, I think everyone does." Jade shook her head and tried to get rid of the feeling in her heavy and sad heart. "No, Leigh... I really really like her."

Leigh-Anne scoffed and turned her head to look elsewhere before looking back at Jade. "You're saying you've got a crush on my girlfriend?" Jade hesitated but nodded her head. Leigh-Anne didn't say anything. She just stormed out of the room and grabbed your hand, interrupting your conversation with Perrie and Jesy as she led you down the hallway while Jade sobbed, afraid that she had messed everything up.

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