You're sick

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Perrie: you had come down with the worst cold. You had a high fever and chills, along with a cough that made your chest hurt every time the urge arose. You laid in bed next to Perrie. She'd just made you some soup and you only finished half of it before you had another coughing fit, making you groan in pain as you shivered again. "Are you sure you don't want me to take you to the doctors y/n?" "I'm sure. It's just a cold. I'll be better in a few days." She hated how stubborn you were but nodded her head as she knew she couldn't really force you into going. She just prayed that these next few days would go by fast. She just wanted you to feel better.

Jade: you laid in bed under five different blankets but your body was still shivering. You had become the latest victim of the flu- your body was trying to fight it off and you were so miserable. You had a high fever and kept vomiting, you couldn't even keep soup or crackers down. Jade was unsure what to do next. She'd tried to give you medicine but you couldn't keep that down either. You had just fallen asleep when your eyes opened and you felt your stomach bubble, throwing up in the bucket next to you. You were sweating but absolutely freezing at the same time. Jade rushed over to you with the glass of juice she'd gone downstairs to get for you. She tied your hair up in a messy bun before handing you the glass of juice. You took a few sips before laying back down and closing your eyes again. Jade laid down next to you and made sure you were all nice and toasty before she fell asleep with you, prepared to wake up to help you at any given moment.

Jesy: you had recently come down with a sinus infection and your head was absolutely throbbing. You groaned as you rolled around in pain on the couch, your body exhausted from being so tired and ill. You finally found a comfortable position, laying on your stomach with your arms by your sides. You felt yourself drifting off to sleep and you weren't going to fight it. A couple minutes later the front door opened and the girls walked through, laughing and talking loudly. You groaned and they all stopped to look at you. Jesy walked over to you and knelt by you, her hand going to stroke your back. "Need anything, lovely?" You managed to mumble out a 'no' before you groaned again, the pain in your head intensifying. "Can you girls please just keep it down? Please? I feel awful and I just wanna sleep. They all nodded their heads and Jesy leaned down to kiss the top of your head before leading the other girls to the kitchen where they kept their voices down. Jesy brought you a glass of ice water and some pain pills for your head which was lovely to wake up to a few hours later.

Leigh-Anne: you groaned as another cold chill took over your body. You felt Leigh-Anne place another fuzzy blanket over your body, a hand going to your back to stroke it to soothe you softly. You had come down with a stomach bug. You'd only gotten sick once so far and you were hoping it wouldn't happen again. You just wanted to sleep but you couldn't. Your stomach was so sore and you couldn't get comfortable. "Honey is there anything I can do to help you?" "Could you maybe cuddle me? And rub my tummy? It hurts really badly." She nodded her head and laid down next to you on the bed, her hands going to your stomach to rub it. You felt the pain fade away from your stomach a little, a sigh of relief escaping your lips. You tried to fight your eyelids from closing but you couldn't. Now that your stomach wasn't hurting as badly, you could finally feel somewhat comfortable enough to sleep. Leigh- Anne leaned down to kiss your eyelids making you smile a little, somehow finding the strength to mumble out an 'I love you' before falling into a much needed deep sleep.

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