Chapter 7 My family

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It was a rainy November morning for omega as he was awoken to the smell of smoked maple bacon floating around through the house, he quickly jumped outta bed but before he ran out his room there was a huge flash of lightning giving him a flash back...

Mistress: Why isn't your bed made? Why are you running through the orphanage!? Omega get back in there and clean up now!

As omega starts walking back he gets hit on behind hard enough to push him forward a bit, he didnt stop to rub his butt he just cried in silence as he walked back into the room skipping breakfast..

Another thunder crack brings him back into reality as he was standing at the door crying silently, he closed the door back silently and starts cleaning up his room. Making his bed, putting his clean clothes away, putting his dirty clothes in his dirty clothes bin. Then he sat on his bed waiting for someone to come get him for breakfast... 5 minutes past.... 15 minutes past... 20 minutes past before he hear a knock on his door.

Omega: Its open...

The door was slowly open, instead of Andy coming into his room it was the little wolf pup that was sleep on his lap yesterday.

Wolf pup: M-mom said come eat before your food gets cold...

Omega nodded and started walking to the door, the wolf pup already was walking down the stairs dragging a bunny plush doll that was missing a button that was use as a eye. Omega stay silent as he followed her to the dinner room, Andy says standing at the table with her hands on her hip her tail swaying behind her with her apron on covering ber big shirt she got on.

Andy: son what took you so long to get up? I had to send your little sister to get you is everything ok? Are you settling in fine?

Omega nods staying silent his head down with his eyes slightly closed expecting to get hit. But instead he feels tiny paws rubbing his cheeks. Opening his eyes seeing a wolf pup rubbing his cheeks.

Wolf pup: mommy hes crying, Ashley rubbing his cheeks to make him feel better.

Ashley was smiling and her tail swishing back and forth quickly like she was enjoying rubbing his cheeks. Omega smiled slightly and closed his eyes and let her rub his cheeks, Andy slowly takes out a camera and take a quick picture of the two. They both look at Amy.

Andy: What? It's cute.

Omega shrugged and looked at his little sister. His sister was a lot different than Andy, she had white fur with gray markings on her ears face, paws and tail. She has gray hair and always has her hair covering her left eye. She has a beautiful pink eye.

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They all started sitting at the table but Ashley was struggling a bit more case she was a bit short, Andy helped her into the chair

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They all started sitting at the table but Ashley was struggling a bit more case she was a bit short, Andy helped her into the chair. Then they all started to begin eating.

Andy: Well now you know my daughter name, yes she dont look much like me cause her father Genes was so dominant my Genes came out the weakest she mainly has part of my fur color and one color on my eye. I love her so much shes so precious to me. Shes also only 5 years old. 2 years younger than you.

Omega with a mouthful of eggs: wheres is her father? If it's not rude of me to ask.

Andy: he past away. He was in the army. He was a good man, I loved him. But it's not rude to ask, I'm not saddened that's hea gone because he gave me a greatest gift he could give me.

Andy rubbed Ashley head, her tail swinging fast.

Omega nodded and continued to eat. Amdy continually telling him to slow down. After they was finished eating omega was helping with the dishes as Andy went to take Ashley to go shower with her. Once he was done doing the dishes he went to sit in the living room, he sat on the couch waiting with a book in his hand reading. After 3 minutes past he sees Ashley ears above the book, omega seeing Ashley ears her put the book down only seeing his sister in a towel with soap in her hair. He jumped back a back, only to hear Andy coming down the stairs yelling for Ashley, Ashley started to run away from Andy chuckling, Before she was caught and brought back upstairs. Omega sighed and started to clean the water up that the both of them tracked though the living room. Omega was smiling and started laughing as he slowly cleaned up realizing how much fun this house is going to be.

Omega: I love this house and my new family so much.

30 minutes later....

Andy and Ashley both come into the living room to see omega reading a book, his ears twitching hearing Ashley paws patting the floor. Ashley doesn't hesitate to jump on omega knocking the book outta his hands. Him and her chuckle he rubs her wet hair, as Andy give him a brush to Ashley hair.

Andy: can you do her hair while I get ready to bring her to school.

Omega: School? What time is it?

Andy: its 10:30am she has to be there by 11am. Why? You can go to kindergarten.

Omega: I know I cant go to kindergarten. I'm too old for that. But dont I have to go to school?

Andy: not today we gotta get you into a school first, we gonna go do that tomorrow ok.

Omega nods as he gently brushes Ashley hair and drying it as he brushes it, Ashley give him a bow to put in her hair. After her hair is done she starts playing with omega tail.

Ashley: your tail is so fluffy and cuddly. My tail now.

Omega laughs as he watches Ashley cuddling his tail, he rubs her cheeks. Within 10 mins Andy comes down and gets Ashley to bring her to school. Omega was left alone inside the house, lightning and thunder outside he started reading as he walking to the kitchen stopping occasionally to find where are some cookies and get some milk bringing them into the living room laying on the couch reading his legs swinging in the air as his tail swaying as hes reading. After 45 minutes and 3 books down Andy comes back into the house letting out a soft sigh and smiling seeing omega tail swaying in the air.

Andy: omega everything?

Omega: Welcome home momma, is Ashley ok?

Andy: yeah shes ok, I got her to school fine. Son can I ask you something?

Andy sits on the couch by omega head, omega close the book and put it on the coffee table then lay in head on Andy's lap.

Andy: How did you remember me?

Omega: I couldnt forget your scent, it smelled so good beside the trash I was living by before you found me. It smelled so nice and you let off this warm and motherly aura I felt so comfortable. I felt at ease than trying to hide and run away from everyone else who found me. Plus you treated me nicely instead of telling to "Get the hell outta here".

Andy popped his muzzle softly: no swearing, and I didnt think you would remember me through all that. It's been a couple months since then I wouldn't expect you to remember my scent.

Omega: I couldnt forget it, then when I smelled it again I instantly remembered who you was.

Andy was rubbing his head then she kissed it softly: I'm glad i did find you.
Sorry I had made A HUGE MISTAKE I was saying Amy this whole time without realizing that was the bear cub name when Andy was they Wolf mom name. IM SO SORRY!!!

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