Chapter 9 First day of hell

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*BEEP* *BEEP* *BEEP* The sound of omega alarm clock was going off it was time for him to get up but he was still sleep seem to be unfazed by the annoying beeping of his alarm clock.. [5 minutes past] *BEEPING INTENSIFIES * omega groaning finally turn over and slaps the top of the clock silencing it. He looks over at the time its 07:35Am and time for him to start getting ready for school, crawling outta bed he crawl over to his desk where his clothes was waiting for him folded neatly he takes his clothes to the bathroom with him, Showers, brushes his teeth and fluff his tail and fur, after putting on his clothes it was 8:10 Am and his mom is calling for him to come eat breakfast.

Andy: "OMEGA can you please come eat breakfast! Also don't forget to grab your backpack too"

The sounds of Andy yelling for him to come eat and making sure he didn't forget important stuff put him at ease, the thoughts of the orphanage and the kids bullying him in the past just seem to just melt away knowing that he has a home and a mother like Andy, omega felt safe, he felt loved. Omega walked outta his room to see his little sister Ashley sitting at the top of the steps waiting for her brother.

Ashley: big bro, I need help please. I think imma trip if I go down by myself and mommy is making sniff sniff SAUSAGES!!!!

The aroma of freshly made sausages filled omega nose making him slightly drool, as the another smell of fresh eggs and toast greeted their noses both of them stopped and enjoyed the savory smell of mom's breakfast, omega snaps back and helps his sister down the steps who was holding onto him tightly snuggling into his chest, Andy started putting the food on the table for them to eat she watch omega carry Ashley to the dining room smiling and feeling so complete that this is her family that she can treasure forever. She helps sits Ashley at the table and omega sits himself, as they start eating Andy goes upstairs to get Ashley school clothes ready.

After the kids finished their breakfast Andy takes Ashley upstairs for her bath before school, omega started to collect the dishes and puts them in the sink, after he sits on the couch as he wait for his mom and sister to finish up. His ear twitch as he hear little paws pats come flying down the steps

Andy: Ashley come back here please! Your brother can't bathe with us.

Ashley: but I want brother to play in the bubbles with me! Please!
Ashley jumps on omega, her fur drenched with soapy water. Omega with quick reaction grabs Ashley before she lands on him keeping himself from getting wet along with the couch. Ashley with a pouty face on "please come take a bath with me and mommy" omega shakes his head no while putting his soaking wet sister down "next time, not today though" Ashley unhappy with the answer but content with the answer she got walking over to the steps where Andy, covered in a towel was waiting

Andy: You can't keep running outta the tub like that, you'll hurt yourself. I don't want you to get hurt sweetheart
Andy kisses Ashley on the top of her head as she carries her back upstairs to the bathroom. After a little while longer they both come downstairs dressed and prepared for the day. They all pack themself into the car and start heading to school...

During the car ride omega nerves started to eat at him, he started getting pins and needles in his paws and his tail hairs started to stand up, his ears on high alert, he didn't feel safe, something felt wrong, Ashley trying to comfort him grabs omega tail and starts cuddling it "big brother your tail is very soft" omega slowly started to calm down for his sister, he can't get all riled up in the car it'll make his sister nervous and scared so he sat quietly preparing himself for school..

As they pull up to the school omega froze up looking at the building, now starting to get cold feet again. Andy opens omega side of the car door "are you ok hun? You look like you seen a ghost, what's wrong?" Omega shook his head and got out the car, "just nerves mom, sorry" she smiles and gives him a kiss on his forehead and a hug "it'll be ok baby boy, the first day is just nerves you'll like it. You also have friends already that goes here hopefully you'll be in the same class." Omega nods and smiles as his sister jumps on his back "can I have a piggyback ride to the door please brother?" Omega chuckles and start galloping with his sister laughing on his back, as they approach the main entrance; Amy, Star, and Luna was standing there talking to their mom, Amy was the first to notice omega she points at him as all of them turned and along with their mom waves at omega and his family.
So the reason why I stopped it here is cause I wanted to leave a cliffhanger at the end of this chapter for what's gonna happen next, I hope you all enjoy this chapter. Let me know what you all think and if I should continue making each chapter as long as this <3

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