chapter 5 - introduction to Sam

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Sam put down his phone after his long conversation with the Trickster. He was starting to enjoy the constant messages they sent to each other. Originally when they first started talking, Sam thought the Trickster was just some sort of creep wanting nudes. But as they got to know each other, it's been really fun. 

Sam tended to find himself constantly checking his phone for notifications all of the time. It was like talking to the Trickster was a lifeline. 

His brother, Dean, had caught him texting Trickster and had started teasing him about it. Sam couldn't blame him. Sam had started teasing Dean when he had caught him talking to another guy online called "babyinatrenchcoat". Dean had gone by the name "squirrel". 

But still, Sam hopes they continue to text. Maybe even meet one day. 

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