Chapter 11

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The sun shines in through the window waking me early in the morning. I smile at the sound of the chirping birds outside. Despite my reservations, my fears, and all my problems, I had such an amazing time with Brandon last night. I let my thoughts drift to him while I stretch out my sore muscles from so much dancing. Despite my body's protests I feel good, really good. I passed out just about the second I walked in the door last night. I knew there was no way I'd make it upstairs so I fell face first on the couch without even take off my shoes.

I jump up from the couch and skip to the kitchen to look for food. I'm starved. I hum as I pull down a bowl and cup for cereal and juice. I'm too hungry to wait for an actual cooked meal. "Someone's in a good mood." I scream and almost drop my glass. I didn't even hear anyone come in the room. I spin around to see Melanie leaning against the counter. She is wearing her I just got fucked look way too proudly.

"Well I was," I growl at her as I pour juice into my glass. She saunters past me and turns on the coffee maker. She leans back against the counter again making a show of adjusting her bottoms, Will's boxers. I hate her. I have an urge to smash her face into the coffee pot.

"Oh. Don't let me ruin it for you." She smirks at me as she sweeps her hair to the side and starts a side braid. I'll shove her braid down the sink and turn the garbage disposal on and see if she's still smirking.

"Great. Go away so you won't." I say and she laughs at me but before she can say anything else I swipe up my food and leave the room. I need to calm down. She's just looking for a reaction and I all but handed it to her. I sit in the living room and try to shake off the rage that Melanie caused to flare up inside of me. It's no use, it was already simmering below the surface. I push my food away and get ready for a long run.

The cold air beats against my skin freezing the beads of sweat before they get a chance to slip down. As the music pumps through my body and my pulse pounds to the rhythm I get lost in my thoughts on the run. There's my conversation- if I can even call it that- with Melanie this morning. She's never gotten under my skin that easily. Why now? What changed? Then there's Will. I don't know how to handle him or the feelings I get for him. I don't understand what's going on between us but I do know whatever it is, it's dangerous.

What happened with Brandon last night could be dangerous too. But he's easier to explain then Will. If J found out I could just say Brandon's a rich new client, but Will... how could I explain the thing with him? And whatever happened with Brandon last night was great, so great. He looked at me like I was the only girl in the room. He was a great dancer but I didn't get a taste of anything else, I tried for more but he wouldn't bite. I didn't even get more than that one kiss.

Brandon was a strange yet pleasant distraction. But I couldn't shake the feeling that there was someone watching me last night, but I didn't see anybody there. I could feel it though. It was the same feeling I've been getting for a little while now. Every time I think I'm going to turn around and find someone staring at me there's nobody there, but as soon as I turn back the feeling is there again.

Add to that, Frank keeps flickering back into my mind. I stop on the sidewalk and check my phone for any news postings that might be about Frank. Still nothing. My heart starts to race faster. I slip my phone back into my pocket and head back towards The House. I need to go by Frank's and see if he's there. It's the only thing I haven't done yet.

I get to Frank's neighborhood and I park my car down the road like always. I walk to the shadows in front of Frank's house. It's quiet. There's nobody in there. I stay there for a while watching and waiting but there's no sign of anyone in his family. Night comes and still nothing. Papers have piled up on the front porch and mail is stuffed in the mailbox. The shades stay closed, no lights turn on, no cars come or go from the driveway, and nothing changes. It's as if nobody lives there at all. Does anyone live here anymore?

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