Chapter 8

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The next morning I spend a long time in the bathroom trying to cover up the fresh ring of bruises around my neck. I don't want anyone to question me about them, not that anyone would, but on the off chance that someone does... That makes me think about Cassie. She confuses me. I don't understand why she keeps seeking me out. I don't understand why I haven't beaten her to a pulp like I threatened before. I didn't see her last night then I overheard someone saying she went to stay with J, wherever he is. I try to think of what J sees in her, why he likes her so much. I think of all the things he must like about her. Her youth, her innocence, her compassion, her beauty, her compelling arguments. The more I think about her the more I try to think of reasons why he wouldn't like her but I come up with nothing.

After I look acceptable I decide to go for my morning run and before I know it I wind up at the mall. I spend my time trying to focus on reading people's thoughts. I laugh at the irony here, for so long I had to make a conscious effort not to read people's thoughts, making an attempt at giving people privacy. But now here I am trying to read their thoughts. I shake my head. I've come full circle.

I wander around for a while bumping into people trying but failing to hear what I want to hear. After a few hours I get a pretzel and a lemonade to try to help me feel better about being such a failure. Just as I finish paying and turn around, I see him. All I needed to see was backside and I knew it was him. Will. His gloriously firm ass, large shoulders, and strong back get my temperature rising before he even turns around. It hasn't been long since I've seen him but the image of him in my head doesn't do the real thing any justice. I put my head down to avoid talking to him because I don't want to be near him right now, or anyone I know. I'm too busy searching for the missing piece of myself. I don't need him or anyone I know seeing me so lost.

I almost make it past him, almost. Then my stupid hormones make me take one last peek at him and he looks up at the same exact time. Our eyes catch for a brief second and I can feel my face flush. I attempt to turn around and go in the opposite direction but I collide with a man in a business suit. He stumbles backwards a few steps and I fall forward catching myself on him. He shoves me aside pushing me to the floor.

"Stupid bitch." The man says to me, then he turns away from me and keeps walking. I stare after him in shock as his thoughts assault me from a few feet away. His thoughts are so vile and repulsive, but I can hear them! As I sit on the ground staring after him I watch the briefest exchange between him and Will. If I hadn't been watching closely I may have missed it as Will walks right up to him, punches him in the gut and then keeps going. Will must have punched him hard because the man falls forward onto his knees. People walk around us both on the floor shooting us death stares for making them have to move to avoid us.

Before I can collect myself and stand up on my own. Will's hands are there in front of me to help me up. I see thin scars all across his knuckles and feel the rough calluses on his palms. Of course, as usual when we touch there is that light spark that happens between us that I'm almost sure he can feel too. As he leans down to grab my hand to help me up I look up at his face and the most gorgeous smile is beaming down at me and I melt under his gaze.

"You know I may not always be here to pick you up when you fall." He chuckles at his joke. His rough sexy voice is like music to my ears. He's almost distracting enough to take my thoughts away from everything happening around me. Suddenly I don't just hear the man in the suit's thoughts, I hear everyone's.

There is a woman wondering where her kid ran off to, a man wanting to buy himself a watch, another man looking for a bathroom, a child wanting a toy. So many thoughts assault me at once that it's overpowering. The sudden rush and release of all the voices is too much for me at once and I can feel my feet turning to liquid beneath me. I watch as my view tilts to the side but my body doesn't seem to be responding to my commands. Before I can fall Will's grip tighten on me and the electricity he sends through my body is astounding.

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