Chapter 3

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I wake up to sun streaming in through a crack in the curtains. I sit up, god my head is throbbing and so is my body. Any thought of forgetting the night disappears with the loud grunt and fart from the man next to me. Disgusting. I hold my breath as I carefully lift myself up out of the bed. I get about two steps before an immediate urge to vomit floods my system. I run to the bathroom and spew my contents from the night before.

I rest my head on the side of the toilet for a moment. Then, when I have finally thrown up enough that I feel a little better I stand in front of the sink and rinse off my face. I wipe roughly at the lines of mascara running down my cheeks and scrub off the smudges of lipstick that is now stained around my lips. I tame the knots in my hair as best I can and throw the mess up into a tight bun at the top of my head.

"What a night", I tell the shell of a girl staring at me in the mirror. There are large bags under my eyes, my pupils are dilated so large I can barely see my irises, the whites of my eyes are stained yellow and the awful taste in my mouth isn't just from throw up. I brush my teeth and use a hearty amount of mouthwash to rid myself of at least one horror. To say my night was rough was an understatement but I did good, J will be happy. Speaking of... I go back into the bedroom and check the clock. 9:45, wow, I need to get back.

I pick my clothes off the floor before realizing they are toast. I toss my lingerie and skirt, my favorite skirt, in the trash. I pull on a thick black robe and pick up the rest of my stuff and tip toe out of the room. Not that anything could wake the sleeping beast in the bed. I shut the bedroom then jump when I hear a voice behind me. I look to the bedroom door across the hall and see Stevens standing there in a towel staring at me. In the small space of doorway around him I can see the two girls sleeping naked sprawled out on the bed together.

"Good morning" I tell Stevens refusing to look him in the eyes.

"Good? It doesn't look so good from where I'm standing." He says and I look up to see the pity in his eyes. Fuck him, I don't need that, I look away.

I clear my throat "how was your night?"

"Wonderful, although I've had better here." He says and he moves across the room towards me.

"How was your night?" He asks as his hand cups my cheek pulling my face up to look him in the eye again.

"It went well. Very successful." I say holding a steady face while he inspects me.

"I'd think so." He says, his grip on my face gets a little tighter "I ran into the Mayor out here late last night and he said he agreed to your terms. However I was not aware that meant renegotiating my price. Eighteen percent, really? And collecting on only eighty percent of your inventory while you get twenty percent scott free? Not to mention that you plan to bring in double the amount you are now."

"Oh relax Stevens, it's just medicine. It's not like I'm bringing in guns or anything. Plus, you are literally doing none of the work. It's not affecting you in the slightest. It's actually helping you, because instead of the thirty year old crap they give out around here, the stuff I'm bringing in is newer and better. It's upgraded antibiotics, pain killers, insulin, heart pills, anticoagulants, you name it I've got it. It's the kind of stuff they give to the President. So next time your second in command, Craig runs out of insulin and he gets that shitty stuff from the Hospitals. You know, the stuff that's supposed to be a less expensive but still just as good version of the real thing? And he's suffering, and having to change his diet, and has to take off work, just to try and keep up with the low dosage each injection gives him remember me. Remember that he now has access to that premium grade insulin I've found. That he's getting it at a third of the price he pays for the cheap shit he gets now. And all you have to do is take a two percent cut and let me bring in a little more so I can profit off of that and sell it all at a lower price."

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