Chapter 3

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Kendall led me into the restaurant and to the table where our friends and family awaited. James looked up and glanced at the sweatshirt I was now wearing. "Why are you wearing that?" James asked then shooting a look at Kendall. Kendall held up two hands in surrender.

"She was cold!" He said. James then smiled at me and stood opening up the chair next to him and also next to Logan. I took a few strides confidently and sat down as James pushed me in.

"How have you been Bethers?" James asked using the nickname he had given me as kids. I shrugged.

"I've been sick recently." I said. James nodded looking down at his menu.

"Did you go to the doctor?" He asked. I nodded. Katie was across the table between Carlos and Kendall. Kendall was watching me like a hawk as I talked about doctors visits. Logan on the other hand jiggled his knee nervously next to me. "What'd they say?" James asked. Katie's eyes lifted to meet mine as I smiled.

"Just that I need to rest. It's nothing contagious." I said sounding like a complete idiot.

"That's good." James said smiling at me sweetly. I nodded. As the dinner went on, Katie and I were subjected to listening to the boys stories of tour, while they were fed lie after lie from Katie and myself. We said we went out a lot and we had a lot of auditions. That was part of the deal of us living in James's guest house, we had to get jobs, could've been as a clerk at a grocery store or the CEO of Walmart, James just wanted us to be doing something to be staying in his guest house for free.

By the end of the night, I had barely eaten anything I ordered and everyones little movements or words were bothering me. James kept asking me questions as Logan's leg never seemed to stop shaking. Carlos was putting his fork to his glass and hitting it lightly with a little 'clink' at a steady motion. Kendall was watching me, his eyes would jerk from where ever they had previously been and land on me. Katie kept sighing and playing with her napkins corners. I was so keen on these things now that it was driving me insane. Question. Shake. Clink. Eyes. Sigh. Repeat. Question. Shake. Clink. Eyes. Sigh. Repeat. Question. Shake. Clink. Eyes. Sigh. Repeat.

"Sweet baby Jesus will all of you just stop?!" I asked so annoyed that I created a scene because of how annoyed I was. All their eyes landed on me as I took a deep breath. "Thank you." I said after they stopped doing what they were doing. I took a breath again. Katie then smiled at me and then started conversation with James and Carlos. I however sat quietly.

"Who's is it?" Logan had written on a napkin and pushed it my way. My stomach dropped. I glanced at him as his eyes were glued to me. I looked at James who was now passionately moving his arms to talk about something. I sighed, took the pen from Logan's hand and took out my phone to look at the time.

"I'm going to the restroom." I said writing 9:32. On the napkin. Two minutes and then Logan would meet me by the restrooms. I stood uneasy at first as Kendall then stood. James was now distracted by Kendall.

"She doesn't need your help bro." James said looking suspiciously at Kendall. Kendall simply smiled.

"I was going to go ask the waitress for our check." Kendall said to James as he walked away before I could. I then took the opposite route to the bathrooms. I waited in the hallway where the men's and women's bathrooms met as soon as 9:32 came around I started watching for Logan. Sure enough he came walking around the corner in a leather jacket, a backwards flat billed hat and jeans. He looked adorable, but his face didn't look too enthusiastic about meeting with me.

"Who's baby is that?" Logan asked straight away.

"Why do you care?" I asked trying to play off telling him. Logan smiled not amused and shook his head.

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