Chapter 20

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Kendall and I went home that night after a beautiful night. Three weeks passed and my due date had been during one of those weeks. I sighed sitting in the waiting room of my doctor with Kendall beside me. He was making a new beat with his hands and feet, clapping, snapping, stomping. "Kendall Francis, stop." I mumbled annoyed with him. It wasn't my fault or his why I was this way. I was just so tired of being pregnant. Kendall grabbed my hand and kissed it.

"Breathe in, breathe out." Kendall said. I sighed and smiled at him. My mood shifted whenever he told me to breathe. I was always better with him.

"I just want to get her out of me." I complained to Kendall. He sighed as I set my head on his shoulder. His head leaned on mine and we stayed that way till the nurse called me in.

Everything was fine. I was told I would have to be induced within the next three days however. My eyes bulged. "Are you serious?" I asked the doctor. Kendall's eyes were as big as mine.

"I'm very much serious." The doctor said smiling. The next three days? We had to choose. It was April, the next three days were the fiftieth, sixteenth, and the seventeenth. I looked at Kendall.

"What day do we want to remember for the rest of our lives?" Kendall asked shrugging. I took a steady breath.

"Uh, how about the sixteenth?" I asked nervously. The doctor nodded and scheduled for me to be induced at seven in the morning that day and said it could take all day. We finished up and were on our way home when Kendall glanced at me chewing on my bottom lip.

"Hey, you okay?" Kendall asked me. I sighed.

"We are having a baby in two days. We are scheduled to become parents." I told Kendall. He smirked.

"Way to make it sound dreadful." Kendall teased. I laughed.

"It's just, I thought it was better not to know when this was happening. But now I have it scheduled of when my baby is born." I whispered to him. He smiled.

"You at least get a day to prepare mentally, most women get a moments notice and the kid is wanting to come out. Which we should really finish the last couple touches on the nursery and go back through the bags." Kendall said. I nodded.

"I guess we know what we're doing tomorrow." I told him. He smirked.

"I guess this weeks shoots for the show are coming to an abrupt end." Kendall said taking out his phone. He called the producers and they immediately agreed and cancelled shoots for the next two weeks. James immediately called me on my new phone since my old one was in fact destroyed by my temper.

"Why did I just get a text saying you're having a baby?" James asked. I giggled.

"Hello to you too big brother." I teased.

"Well you're not Kendall and you're not screaming so I know that the baby isn't here." James said calmed down a bit.

"I'm getting induced on the sixteenth." I told him.

"Wow, that was fast." He said.

"Tell me about it." I joked and we ended the phone call shortly after since we were now pulling into the driveway where his was parked and Katie's was gone. She was in Barcelona for a tv show on TeenNick. She wouldn't be here possibly for the baby's arrival so we video chatted later that night. She expressed happiness and good wishes and soon it was time for bed.

The next morning Kendall and I woke up early and started working on our little house. We baby proofed everything before but we went back and made sure everything was in fact baby proof. We cleaned up around the house even. Then towards the end of the day, I was on Kendall's laptop and was searching names. Kendall was going through the baby bags and through our bags just to make sure we both had clothing to wear. It was chilly for April so Kendall was changing out what we had planned on bringing. "So, yoga pants, a tank top, and that hoodie you'd always steal from me back in the day?" Kendall asked throwing those articles of clothing on our bed for when we were able to come home. I giggled.

"You know me all too well." I smiled at him looking up from the screen for a second. I couldn't find a name and it was literally driving me insane.

"Babe, if you keep frowning like that, you're going to have major frown lines before you have your first kid, and you're having one tomorrow." Kendall teased throwing some of his clothes on the bed next to my feet. He grabbed our things and packed them in a duffle bag. I groaned and shoved his laptop onto the bed. I laid down on our pillows at the head of the bed and sighed.

"We need names Kendall Francis Schmidt. Because I, Bethany Marie Maslow, can not think of one name I like enough to name my daughter.

"Angel-" Kendall started as he crawled on the bed next to me. I put my hand over his mouth.

"No, that's final." I said knowing he was going to mention Angelina Jolie. He groaned then too.

"Why can't we be good parents and pick a name for this kid?" Kendall asked with his head in the sheets. I played with his hair then.

"I want something not too weird like the directions on a compass, but then I also don't want something like on the top 100 list ya know?" I asked Kendall rolling onto my side to face him. He pulled his head out of the sheets and smiled at me.

"I will look now. You go take a shower." Kendall instructed me kissing my cheek as he reached for his computer and opened it. I sighed and did as he said. I got in my Jammies afterwards and then walked into an empty room.

"Kendall?" I asked throwing my clothes in the laundry basket.

"Downstairs!" He called. I walked down stairs with wet hair to see James sitting with Kendall on the couch. "Hey babe." Kendall said without looking away from the computer. He had hooked the computer up to the smart tv and now was looking at baby names that way. James smiled at me.

"So, we have made a list of first names and then a list of second names that we like." James said pointing at the tv. I sighed and sat next to my brother. I looked up at the screen. The names were, different, but not outrageous. "Kendall being the hippy he is, wanted Sunny Boone Schmidt." James said making a total flabbergasted face. I smiled at his reaction.

"Hey! It's a cute name!" Kendall defended himself. I shook my head.

"Not happening." I told him.

"Well, James wanted Samantha Raine Maslow-Schmidt." Kendall said. I raised my eye brow.

"How is Kendall the hippy one? You used Raine in that name." I said to James.

"It's good!" James said. I shook my head.

"She will only have one last name, and that's Schmidt." I told James. He rolled his eyes and looked back at the screen.

"Ha!" Kendall said loudly in James's ear.

"Wait, what was that? Meadow?" I asked looking at the two guys to my right.

"We both liked that one." James said shrugging. I laughed.

"Two 'strong' and 'manly' men liked Meadow as a name?" I asked them. They both nodded.
"I like it as a middle name." I admitted.

"Thought you wanted normal?" James asked leaning back on the couch. I shrugged.

"It's not obscene and it's different, what I'm looking for." I smiled at Kendall.

"Okay, so we have a middle name. We need a first name just as beautiful and different." Kendall said smiling my way. We stayed up for hours that night but nothing was coming up.

"We should go to bed, you're having a baby tomorrow." James said as he sighed. I smiled at the sound Of that. Talking about this baby's name really made me come to terms with everything. It was midnight before James left and we settled into bed. I lied in bed with Kendall's arms around my stomach, when I sat straight up. Kendall had been snoring for a few minutes before I suddenly jolted up.

"I have the baby name." I whispered as Kendall was awakened by me.

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