Chapter 18

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Well, I promised James nothing would happen tonight, but in reality. I ended up making out with Kendall back at his place. It felt amazing and destined to happen.
"Wow, I thought I was going to cry tonight." I told Kendall as I lied on the couch with my head in his lap. Kendall had a hand on my stomach as the other was massaging my head and playing with my hair. Kendall laughed.

"Why did you think you were gonna cry?" He asked. I sighed and watched his beautiful eyes stay with my own eyes.

"Because of how everything has been between us. I was so confused after your kiss that I moved out of Logan's place, I haven't talked to him since." I told Kendall. He nodded.

"Do you think you will talk to him? Like any time soon?" Kendall asked. I sighed and closed my eyes feeling his fingers running through my hair.

"I will. Eventually. I needed some time to breathe. It was a lot to take in. I mean, finding out the guy you had a crush on when you were fourteen actually has liked you this whole time and sacrificed his own feelings for you just to make you happy, was a lot to take in. Then finding out the guy you spent your whole high school life and beyond dreaming about because you have up on the other guy, actually was only interested in you for a bet is kinda a lot if you'd ask me." I told Kendall. Kendall chuckled.

"I can't believe you had feelings for me too." Kendall said laughing. I giggled and opened my eyes. I smiled up at him. He leaned down then and gently kissed my lips. Sparks shooting through my skin starting from my lips then traveling into my neck and scalp.

"I should probably get you back to your place." Kendall said sighing and pulling away. I stuck out my bottom lip.

"Boo." I complained. Kendall helped me sit up from the couch and then we were walking past the bed in his bedroom and then into the busy guy central of his apartment. Dustin smiled at us from where he sat with his own girlfriend. However their other two roommates played video games loudly and obnoxiously.

"I need to get my own place." Kendall rolled his eyes as we shut the door behind us.

"No kidding." I said sighing. Kendall then took a step to face me.

"Yeah, about that..." Kendall started as I raised my eye brow. "Baby, you, and me make three. We can get a house, we can rent, we can lease, we can get a condo, I don't care." Kendall offered. I sighed.

"Kendall, I don't know. We went from best friends, to expecting parents best friends, to strangers, to lover best friends in such a fast amount of time. Is that rushing things?" I asked him thinking how I would have to break up officially with Logan before anything else could happen between Kendall and me. Kendall shook his head and pulled me close.

"It's not. It's one hundred percent understandable." Kendall said sticking out his bottom lip. I rolled my eyes.

"Stoooop." I complained, but then couldn't help myself. I leaned forward and rested my lips on his. "Let's get us home." I said holding into my stomach. Kendall and I walked hand in hand into the elevator and downstairs. We got into his car and listened silently to the radio. Then when we pulled into the driveway, I could see Katie was back and James's car was home as well. Kendall walked me to the door, but then was hesitant to let me go in alone to the guest house.

"I'll be fine, I promise." I told Kendall unlocking the door and opening up the door.

"Then I'll say hi to Katie." Kendall said as I reached for the light switch and to my surprised walked in on my brother, my best girl friend, on the couch of the guest house where I lived, not talking, that's for sure wasn't what they were doing. I shrieked and Kendall gasped and then started laughing.

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