Chapter 24

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We enjoyed the party thrown which had friends and family from all around attending in happiness. Everyone adored Brooklyn and her beauty. However, Logan didn't show up, which unfortunately I was thankful for since James and I basically had a ring match about it earlier. We helped James clean up as people left and it was just us three adults and a wild eyed Brooklyn looking around.

"She's a dork." James mumbled looking down at Brooklyn who was in her car seat again for easy transportation to and from the houses.

"She gets that from her dad." I told him as Kendall shot up from the chair he was sitting in.

"You two aren't as quiet as you think you are." Kendall said sticking out his tongue as he grabbed the diaper bag. I picked up Brooklyn, getting a kiss on the cheek goodbye from James and started towards the door where we heard the doorbell ring on the guest house. I opened the door, and walked into the drive way. Logan, was standing outside the guest house with a present under his unbroken arm. I looked at Kendall who looked at James. James went back inside his house, although I wanted him to apologize to Logan so we all could move on. Kendall and I walked slowly over towards Logan.

"Logan?" Kendall asked as Logan turned around startled. He smiled or at least tried to with his battered looks.

"Hey guys. Sorry I missed the party." Logan said.

"You aren't sorry, you did it on purpose." I smiled at him knowing him better than he knew himself. He nodded again trying to smile.

"Oh, uh, this is for Brooklyn." Logan said offering Kendall the wrapped present since his arms were free. Kendall smiled grateful.

"Thanks man, you didn't have to." Kendall said smirking and showing his dimples. Logan shook his head.

"I needed to. For me." Logan said. We didn't know what he meant but we agreed and thanked him. We invited him in and we had him sit on our new couch.

"So what does she look like?" Logan asked right away as I sat the car seat on the coffee table. I slowly lifted her up and out and then went to sit next to Logan. Kendall sat on the arm chair next to the couch on my side. I had Brooklyn visible as much as possible and showed Logan from my arms since he couldn't use both of his to hold her himself. He was silent for a minute.

"She's gorgeous. Looks exactly like you with all the features but has Kendall's fair skin and eyes." Logan said mumbling and touching her little sock covered foot. He was really sweet with her which was what I was hoping for.

"I can't take all the credit, my genes are just very good." I said trying to be modest. Kendall chuckled.

"At least she got your good looks. Poor kid has my fair skin, no color to her whatsoever." Kendall teased looking at his arms. I rolled my eyes and looked back at Logan. His eyes were going between mine and Kendall's as if trying to read something about us.

"Congratulations. I should probably get going." Logan said looking at me like how he used to. I nodded. We all stood up, I cradled Brooklyn in my arms as Kendall waved to Logan who was getting I to his arm on the side of the house. Soon we saw James walking out of his house and towards our door, not even before Logan had backed out.

"What'd he say?" He asked us.

"He said congrats, that she was gorgeous. He didn't say anything else really." I told James rolling my eyes and walking away to feed Brooklyn. I walked upstairs and into Brooklyn's new nursery. The walls were a mint green, the furniture a very pretty off white, and accent pieces everywhere of baby pink. I rocked her in the rocking chair in my arms as Kendall soon came up and knocked on the door.

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