Chapter 19

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I sat alone at the main house's kitchen table after Kendall left and James was still messing around in the kitchen making weird smelling healthy food. I stared at my phone on the table. "I can't." I told James. He turned to look at me with his long lashes making me feel very sad. "What am I suppose to say?" I asked him shrugging. James turned the stove down a little as he left the skillet going.

"Tell him you need to talk. Figure out what he thinks it is he did wrong. Ask him why he played you. Ask him why he thinks making a bet about you is okay when I literally will march over there and beat his ass." James said smacking the table as if he had a grand idea. I was still in my pajamas and looked down at my belly. I sighed, I needed my life in order before hers started. I picked up my phone and unlocked it. James stood up straight again. He squeezed my shoulder and then walked back into the kitchen. I took a breath and clicked on Logan's name in my phone. It rang awhile and then a breathless Logan answered.

"Bethany?" He asked. He sounded normal, odd though.

"Logan." I said trying to detect what I heard in the background.

TV? Maybe, or maybe he was with friends. "Hey, why did you leave? What happened?" He asked me sounding more interested in our conversation now than before. I furrowed my brow.

"I know about the bet Logan." I told him standing strong with my emotions which were telling me to cry right now. It was almost empowering. Logan sighed.

"Quiet would ya?" Logan asked someone on his end. I felt a tinge of awkward in my stomach. It was suspicious who he had over there.

"Logan, I think we need to stop seeing each other." I blurted out as I heard giggling from the other end. A girl. He had a freaking girl at his house. Yeah he was real torn up. I mean, it was different with Kendall and I. We had history, while Logan probably had some slut he picked up from the side of the road.

"What?! Why?" He asked as I heard obnoxious kissing noises on his end.

"Logan, you have a girl over? Really?" I asked him. He laughed.

"Oh, so you're allowed to cheat on me with our best friend but if I cheat on you with someone I barely know and don't care about it's okay?" Logan accused me. I scoffed.

"I kissed Kendall! I didn't fuck him!" I exclaimed in a rage. Logan laughed like a complete asshole.

"No, you fucked him before we started dating and that's whose bastard child that is you're carrying remember?!" Logan asked. I shrieked in anger.

"Fuck you!" I exclaimed hanging up on him. I threw my phone across the room as it shattered into three pieces when it hit the wall.

"What the hell?" James asked with a spatula in his hand and a questioning look on his face. He had his mouth in the 'o' shape as he walked over to my phone.

"I'm sorry okay?!" I exclaimed more angry than upset now. James raised his brow.

"You're really upset." James said shocked.

"Yes." I mumbled and glared at him. He sighed.

"Never heard you tell someone to eff off before." James said picking up the pieces of what was once my phone. "It was oddly enjoyable." He teased trying to lift the mood. It didn't work.

"He had a girl over." I told James.

James's eyes bulged and then shook his head. "I'm gonna kill him." James said shrugging. He walked back into the kitchen, turned off the stove and grabbed his phone and keys off the counter. He was serious. My anger drifted then and I felt fear.

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