Chapter One-Freedom

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Rheea was thrown against the cold metal walls of the Rebel ship for what seemed to be the millionth time. In reality, it couldn't have been anywhere close to that number as the rebel recruitment ship had barely left the ports of Zygiria, Ree's most recent (and most unpleasant) home.

She tried to ignore the anxiety slowly rising from the pit of her stomach. She had a gut feeling that she was going to get caught, even though there was no on one on this ship to catch her. All of her tormentors were on the ground beneath her, falling farther and farther behind. Nonetheless, she pulled the hood of her long weathered jacket further over her head.

Ree was running away again. This was the, what was it now? Eighteenth? Twentieth time? Every other time she had been caught and returned to whoever her master was at the time. A beating typically followed and a few weeks later she was shipped off to someone new.

Because Ree was a slave.Was. She reminded herself for the hundredth time since she'd left the manor. Was. There was no point in trying to escape if you didn't believe your plan would work. Although, she had to say, this was her best attempt yet. When the rebellion recruiters came to the crime-filled streets of Zygria, Ree was the first to commit. She had been running errands for her demanding master and had come back with not only his goods, but a glorious emotion.


That's what the rebellion was all about apparently. Bringing hope to a despair-ridden galaxy. To combat the evils of the Empire. Ree saw no problem in this movement, as she has no love for the empire. The Empire supported slavery, and that was reason enough for her to loathe them.

The rebellion would also be a source of food and shelter. That was a plus when you were running away. Ree gritted her teeth as the shaking of the ship rattled her bones. She nestled herself farther into the corner she stood in, away from the other recruits. 

They, like her, had joined the rebellion as a way out of their present state. Poverty was written on all of their faces by the shadows in their eyes, and the haunted look that made them look like a pack of wild animals. Ree was different. Somehow, despite her terrible situation, she had always maintained the fire of her spirit. No number of beatings, shaming, or condemnations could change her rebellious state of mind. 

The four recruiters were spread out among the ship, two being in the cockpit, and the other two were in the main area with the recruits. They were talking softly to the people, grabbing names, hearing stories, sharing sympathies. 

Ree shook her head. They were being weak. Your past was something you kept to yourself. Anyone who grew up like she did knew that. 

The ship jerked forward in an abrupt movement, causing fear to stab Ree's stomach as she lurched forward. One of the recruiters, a gangly twi'lek that had identified himself as Salm called out,

"Hyperspace! Don't be frightened"


Finally. I'm free.

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