Chapter Four-Barracks

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 Stel walked off to the barracks after dropping Ree off at the tech center. She was a curious girl, she seemed shy, but had no qualms in standing up to Law. That could have just been because she was new and didn't know who he was.

He reached the barracks and walked in. It was a long room with bunks lining the walls. Each bunk had a trunk embedded into the wall at the head of the bed. He said hello to a few of the other alliance soldiers who shared this room with him. The room fit about twenty people, making it a crowded and uncomfortable place to be at times.

As Stel walked to his bunk, he saw Law standing in the corner, talking to a few other men.

"And this little tyrant had the nerve to talk trash."

One of the men (known as Caine) scoffed.

"Yeah right."

"No really! She even picked a fight."

They all laughed.

"She must have been new."

Said a guy named Elias. Law nodded and continued with his story.

"Heck yeah, she was. Fresh off the transport I bet. That crazy kid didn't know what was happening."

"How did the fight go?"

Law's expression dampened immediately.

"I would have beat her if Stel hadn't shown up."

The men all laughed again, harder this time, while Law scowled at them. Then he stalked out of the room, leaving the men shaking with laughter. Stel just shook his head as he watched Law leave. The other men in the room trickled out, leaving Stel alone.

He had just gotten back from his most recent assignment, which was a simple extraction mission. One of the rebellion's agents had gotten captured on some backwater planet by some second-rate imps. The leader of the rebellion, Mon Mothma, had put together a small team to go get back. The agent was uncooperative and snotty, which made the entire operation was a pain, but Stel's team did it.

This was only the most recent of missions that Stel went on that felt like they didn't matter. Stel believed in the rebellion's cause more than anyone else and didn't hesitate to call out those who were complaining about the lack of supplies, the lack of funds, the lack of...pretty much everything needed to run an organization such as this one.

But now he found the same complaints and doubts running through his own mind.

All the missions he had been on in the past few months had seemed pointless. There was an abundance of death, pain, suffering, tears, and heartache. And for what? A contact who didn't know anything in the first place? Some information that was months old and not of any use? Dead stormtroopers laying on the ground next to the bodies of fellow soldiers?

Stel sighed. Maybe the next mission would be better. Maybe there would be a purpose. Something to shine some hope on their plight. 


Sorry for the short chapter...I just needed to throw Stel's pov in there for a bit to show you how depressing the Rebel's situation is. 

Isn't that nice of me?


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