The Return of Syndrome: Part 2

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"Well, after all we've been through, we still end up sitting in front of a big screen."  Bob joked to his wife at the movies.

 "Yeah." Helen chuckled. "You'd think we'd know better."  

"My name is Charlene Dicker, but you can call me Charlie. I'm Rick Dicker's niece."

"Rick Dicker's niece?" Bob, Helen, Lucius, Violet and Dash all said at once.

"Crime detected." the NUOOS computer spoke. "Robots rampaging through Municiberg."

"You know the drill!" Charlie said to the Supers. "Stop this threat to the city!"

 the figure's head spoke, "I am glad to see that Supers are now legal again."  

Then, in his lair, he said, "I am also someone who used to know Mr Incredible very much... Someone he betrayed." 

  Mr Incredible gasped in horror loudest of all, for he realized who remembered him, of all Supers. "Syndrome?!"  


When we last saw the Incredibles...

They, alongside Frozone, and the Wannabe Supers, had just been assigned by NUOOS, The New Urbem Order of Supers, founded by Winston Deavor, the founder of Devtech, the one the Supers had to thank for making them legal again; and ran by Rick Dicker's niece, Charlie, to take out a cluster of robots, which they had, and they'd tracked them to the source, an old abandoned warehouse. They met a mysterious villain in said old abandoned warehouse, and found to their surprise that he had a true identity - a villain the Incredibles thought had long since gone since 3 months ago - Mr Incredibles's old fanboy, Buddy Pine, who had become a supervillain called Syndrome.

The Supers stared in stunned silence at Syndrome.

"I... I don't understand!" Mr Incredible said in shock. "I thought you were dead!"

Syndrome just laughed. "Dead? Oh, Mr Incredible, you certainly don't understand me at all!"

Mr Incredible glared at Syndrome.

"Did you think me getting sucked into that turbine caused it to explode?" Syndrome asked. Mr Incredible shrugged. "Well, you're dead wrong!" Syndrome yelled.

"WHAT?!" The Supers all said at once in horror.

"For you see," he said, "I blasted it! Of course, the explosion sent me hurtling across the sky over the ocean, faster than a rocket. I soon crash landed on a remote island, and blacked out!"

"He crash landed on an island?" Dash asked Violet outta confusion, who just shrugged.

"Then," Syndrome added, "Once I escaped, and soon made it back to the city, and I suddenly had to go into hiding, since nearly all the police were looking for me!"

"Wow." Elastigirl said. "I can't believe you did all that in the time Winston took to make supers legal again." "But why," she added, "are you doing this?"

"Isn't it obvious?" Syndrome said. "Revenge."

The supers gasped. "Revenge? On who?" Mr Incredible asked.

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