EP 2: Job Well Overdone

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It all began one afternoon in the Parrs' house.

You know, the house that Winston Deavor, the founder of Devtech, the one the Supers had to thank for making them legal again; had given the Parrs when Helen had signed up to do his campaign to make supers legal again.

It had loads of cool features, a pool, and secret areas afor when the Parrs, as the Incredibles, could exit undetected when called on super duty. However, It also did have it's problems, like when Bob once fell into a water compartment.

But all those aside, it meant the Parrs had an incredibly cool place to live.

Helen was feeding Jack-Jack, Violet was in her room listening to music, and Bob was on the couch, reading the newspaper.

Outta the corner of his eye, he saw Dash carefully carrying a pile of papers to the dining room table, then he zoomed off, and got another bunch of papers and carefully carried them over too.

Then, he saw Dash was tapping some papers on the table to organize them neatly, then put them in a pile. Then he did the same to another pile.

And another, and another, and another.

Eventually, Bob became quite irritated at the tapping that was ringing in his ears.

"Dash," he sighed in annoyance, "Please stop that tapping. I'll help you with that homework later."

"Oh, this isn't homework, Dad." Dash said. "These are..." he cleared his throat, trying to be so delicate without making his dad annoyed. "...bills."

"WHAT?!" Bob shouted in a voice that almost rattled the glass in the windows of the house.

"I can't understand it!" Bob said, as he and his family were staring at the pile of bills. "Power bills, gas bills, water bills, groceries bill, house repair bill?!"

"Yeah, that one was a long story, Dad," Violet said sheepishly, remembering when the Wannabe Supers, under the control of Evelyn Deavor, had attacked her, Dash, Jack-Jack, and Lucius in the Incredibles 2 film.

"How on earth did we get all these bills that quick?!" Bob said, flabbergasted. "We've only lived in this house for a few weeks since the Screenslaver incident!"

"Yeah, The house is ours now, Bob." Helen said. "Winston's agreed to it ever since we stopped Evelyn and saved the city."

"I guess," Bob sighed. "But just because we now live here, it doesn't mean we won't have to worry about all the bills!" he yelled.

"What are we gonna do, Mom?" Violet asked. "How will we take care of our bills?"

Helen thought for a bit, and then, being the wise and smart person she was, came up with a solution.

"Well, I think," she said wisely, "that one of us needs to get a job."

"A job?" Bob said nervously. "I don't know about that, honey," he said. The last job he remembered doing had been when he worked at Insuricare, when the Supers had been outlawed all those years ago. And he remembered when he lost that job by throwing his boss, Gilbert Huph, through 5, count 'em, 5, office walls.

"Isn't it our job to protect the city as Supers?" Dash asked.

"Technically, Dash, being Supers doesn't actually count." Helen said. "The only pay we get from that is the praise and heroism that your fans and the public give you."

"Especially the most annoying ones." Bob said, remembering Buddy, from 15 years ago, before he became Syndrome. "But," he added, "I'm not sure I can take a full job all the time." "He glanced at Helen. "If you want to do one instead, I'll still take care of the kids."

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