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"So, five-year reunion?" Victor asked.

"Yeah, unfortunately." Lexa sighed.

"You could always skip it out."

"We have a con to go to the next morning. Plus, they'd all know if I'm in town." Lexa groaned.

"Do you want any of us to come with you?" Victor asked.

"I might bring Nick or Madison," Lexa said. "It's only fair that way."

It's been five years since Lexa's high school graduation. She went on with life after her major heartbreak which she saw coming anyway. It was bound to happen and she just went on with life- full filled her promise to her parents and went into acting. She hadn't talked to anyone from her class since graduation and she'd like to keep it that way unless it was a reunion. Then she might. just maybe, consider it.

Her five-year reunion was coming up and, with her unfortunate luck, a comic con that they were attending was in the same town. Lexa had heard that the boys were joining them in the reunion too. Lexa hadn't talked to Anya or Lincoln since graduation either. It was a shame but she had a new life. She didn't want to drag them into her life either. She knew Lincoln was acting now but it'd just cause a commotion since he was friends with Clarke.

"I just really don't want to go," Lexa whined.

"It'll only be like two hours or less," Victor said. "The paps will probably find us with both you and Lincoln in one place."

"Oh great, another way to make my huge ego expand." Lexa groaned. "I already made my ego clear enough when I left."

"Geez, just go and don't worry." Victor chuckled. "Drink a bottle of scotch if it helps."

"Haha, we both know what that does." Lexa sarcastically said. "If I did that, god knows what I'd say."

"That's the fun part." Nick chimed in as he passed.

"You're supposed to back me in this one." Lexa groaned.

"Victor is right though." Nick shrugged. "You suffered heartbreak, so what? She'll probably be there, so what? Go to the reunion, get it over with and be done with it."

"You make it sound so simple." Lexa pouted.

"Because it is." Nick chuckled.

"No, it isn't," Lexa said. "Clarke's friends are probably gonna grill me and then on top of it, there's the paps and booze. Who knows what will happen with the paps and booze. It's a bad combination."

"If it makes you feel better, we'll all go with you." Nick offered.

"It's not a cast reunion." Lexa rolled her eyes. "I'm taking Victor. You and Madison are too annoying."

"What about me?" Ofelia asked as she passed by.

"You're gonna get drunk off your tits." Lexa stuck her tongue out.

"That's also a fun part." Nick chuckled. "Ofelia is really fun with alcohol in her system."

"No it isn't, and you know it." Victor and Lexa chorused.

"You're right, it isn't but, it's a sight."

"Lexa, you should pack," Ophelia said. "We leave in an hour."

"I live an hour away from set," Lexa said.

"This is why we have a police escort." Nick gave Lexa a cheeky grin.

"Right, let's go." Lexa nodded.


"Morning Clarkie!" Raven shouted and entered Clarke's small apartment.

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