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Lexa walked out of the Italian restaurant that she was meeting up with Marny. The press were surrounding the restaurant. They were all asking 'who is was that girl' or 'Lexa, tell us who you hugged in the airport' or 'Lexa, are you dating anyone?' Lexa was kind of tired of all the press following her.

Lexa kept walking towards her car as the cameras flashed. The more the cameras flashed, the more fans gathered around. Lexa kept walking. She ignored all of the fans and the press. It's not that she didn't appreciate the fans, she was still recovering her mental health and it was overwhelming.

Lexa got into her car and closed the door. She took a deep breath and then started up her car. She drove past the crowd and towards her apartment. The drive felt as if it were a couple hours long. But in reality, it was only about ten minutes back to her apartment.

Lexa's mind swam around. When she pulled into the parking garage, she sped to her parking space. When she was parked, she got out of her car and walked into the building where her apartment was. Luckily her apartment was on the same floor as the parking garage was.

Lexa unlocked her door and walked into her apartment. She threw her keys on the counter and dropped her purse on the floor and fell onto the couch.

Her least favorite thing now was to go out in public because the press would surround her and she was far from comfortable with that. She was just surprised that they hadn't figured out who the girl was. Some of the videos were blurry, but most of them were clear.

Before Lexa could have a mental attack, her phone started buzzing. She rolled off the couch and got her phone. It was Anya. Of course.


"Lex, they figured it out."



"Okay, okay." Lexa groaned. "What happened?"

"They figured out that Clarke was the girl in the video."

"Shit, shit, shit, shit." Lexa cursed.

"Don't have a panic attack on me now."

"I'm trying not to." Lexa hissed.

"Where's Clarke?"

"On a trip in Italy, why?"


"Dunno, why don't you ask her yourself?" Lexa said. "I mean, you two are like buddy-buddy or something like that."

"She's been MIA for a while."

"Maybe she's in Italy and left her phone in Arkadia." Lexa said.

"Alright, I'm taking a trip to Arkadia."


"To find her."

"Why do you need to see Raven?"

"Mind your own business."

"I'm flying to Arkadia too, I guess."

"See you there." She chuckled. "Better get your private jet lined up."

Lexa chuckled and hung up. She was going to Arkadia.


Raven sat in Clarke's apartment. She kind of felt bad. Raven had accidently leaked who Clarke was in the video. And then after she leaked the video, she dropped in her in the lake when she was at dinner.

Clarke's flight landed fifteen minutes ago from Italy and she was kind of scared. Raven sat on the couch, her palms sweating.

When the door opened, Raven stood up. It was Clarke. Shit. Clarke glared at Raven and stomped past her into her room.

"Clarke?" Raven said.


"I'm sorry."

"It was you?" Clarke hissed. "Now they think I'm dating Lexa and clearly, I'm with someone else."


"Yeah, I ran into Bellamy and we had dinner." Clarke said.

Before Raven could respond, there was a knock on the door. Clarke walked past Raven and opened the door.

There standing at the door was Lexa and Anya. They were standing there like robots. "Hello, what are you doing here?"

"We're looking for Raven." Anya said.

Clarke stepped aside and let them in. Anya strode towards Raven and instead of hugging the girl, she slapped her on the face.

Raven chuckled and smiled at the girl. "So you flew all the way here to slap me? Nice way to greet a friend."

Lexa just stared at the two girls. Why couldn't Raven take anything seriously?


A/N: this was a rushed chapter. I'm sorry. I have better things in mind for the next chapter.

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