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Lexa had finally finished filming the marvel movie and got news from the producers that she wouldn't be needed until next year. So that meant she had gained a lot of time to be with Clarke. Lexa hated to admit it, but she missed their cat as well. 

Clarke hadn't known about the wrap and Lexa wanted to surprise her girlfriend. Lexa had packed up all of her belongings in Los Angeles and caught a flight back to the east coast. Lexa unlocked the apartment door, pulled her suitcase through the door, and slowly shut the door behind her. She had no idea if Clarke would be home, so she tried to be as silent as possible.

She entered their room, seeing Pancakes laying on the bed. Lexa picked up her suitcase and unzipped its compartments. She grabbed all of the clothes inside and put them into the hamper with all of the other dirty clothes. 

Lexa then went to her cat. She stroked the sleek fur and whispered to the feline. "Where's your mama?" 

Lexa knew she wouldn't get an answer, but it was quite obvious Clarke was not home. Knowing Clarke, she would probably be drowning herself in work. The blonde had always seemed to do so when Lexa left for a couple of days. Lexa sighed and walked into the bathroom, stripping down. 

Lexa grabbed a towel and stepped into the shower, turning the water on. She wiped the airport germs off and took a moment to bask in the water. She had missed their apartment. She missed being with Clarke and their cat. 

Once Lexa finished bathing, she turned the water off, stepped out of the shower, grabbed her towel, and dried off. Lexa wrapped the towel around her body and walked to the dresser. She opened the drawers and grabbed a pair of pajamas. She dropped the towel and quickly dressed.

When she finished getting dressed, she heard the door open and close. It was Clarke. Hopefully. Lexa and Clarke had trusted Raven with a set of keys to their apartment to feed Pancakes if both of them were away. 

The bedroom door opened and Lexa wanted to kiss and hug Clarke, but it wasn't Clarke. It was Raven. Lexa cursed the gods. 

"Oh my god!" Raven squealed. "You're back! Clarke is going to flip." 

"Wow, thanks," Lexa rolled her eyes. "Now where is my girlfriend?" 

"Oh, Clarke," Raven said dumbly. "She's working. She should be home later tonight. I'm just here to check up on Pancakes." 

"Great, don't tell her I'm here," Lexa huffed in frustration. She had hoped that Raven would've stayed away. 

"Damn, okay," Raven said, getting the point. "You're in a shit mood."

"No, I just want to see my girlfriend," Lexa rolled her eyes. 

Raven nodded and took that as a cue to leave. Lexa sighed in relief and waited for Clarke to get home. To pass the time, she decided to cook pork and mushrooms. 

Lexa put the meat on a skillet and the mushrooms and a smaller skillet. She turned on some music and waited for the food to cook. She then flipped the pork over and put a glass lid over the skillet. 

While she waited for the food to cook, she set the table. Once she finished setting the table, she went to turn off the stove. When she turned the stove off, she grabbed two plates and put the pork and mushrooms on the plate. 

Then she made gravy for the pork and mushrooms. It didn't take but two minutes to make the gravy and pour it on the plates. 

Lexa then put the plates on the table and waited for Clarke to get home. When Lexa sat down, she heard the door open and immediately shot up from her seat. Clarke was home and Lexa was excited to see Clarke. 

Lexa went to the door, taking in Clarke's appearance. Clarke was looking down, taking off her shoes and jacket. When Clarke looked up, she grinned and went to hug Lexa. Lexa opened her arms and embraced the blonde. 

"You're home," Clarke said into Lexa's shoulder. "You're staying this time, right?" 

"Of course, my love," Lexa smiled. 

"Good," Clarke said and went to the kitchen. "What did you make? It smells good." 

"Well, if you go sit down," Lexa said directing Clarke to the table. "You will see."

Lexa sat down at the table and Clarke sat down across from her. Lexa then felt a soft fur rub across her ankles. She looked down to see their cat, Pancakes. Lexa went to pick up the cat, but Clarke spoke up. 

"She just wants table scraps." 

"Well, I'm gonna give her a chunk of pork, then," Lexa smiled at the cat. 

"My eyes are up here," Clarke huffed. "You had plenty enough time to bond with her. Now it's my turn." 

"Wow, woman," Lexa joked. "So needy." 

"I haven't seen you in ages," Clarke rolled her eyes. "I missed you." 

"And I missed you too," Lexa smiled lovingly. "Now please eat the food." 

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